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Angry Chelsea supporter throws flag at Liverpool fan’s face through tube train door

An angry Chelsea supporter has gone viral after he throws a flag at a Liverpool fan’s face through a tube train door after the game.

The footage has had hundreds of thousands of views on social media, thanks to the help of a retweet from football presenter Max Rushden.

A London Underground train was getting ready to set off, when taunting from Reds fans led to a Blues supporter lashing out before waving his crutch in the air and if he was going to use it to hit.

The train doors then quickly shut ready for departure, with the Chelsea fan feeling pleased with himself for his accurate aim with a flag used in the display inside Wembley. Take a look at the clip that’s had everyone laughing below…

SEE MORE: BBC accidentally show X-rated Liverpool banner before it’s allegedly removed by stewards

Twitter users reacted as the angry Chelsea supporter throws a flag at a Liverpool fan’s face through a tube train door…

@petehitchman_: Three sets of teenagers are going to be very embarrassed when they see their dads make their debut on TikTok

@WiktorSZN: Doubt it mate, they are probs just as bad

@BlueMoonMikeyJ: Typical scousers. All gob & no job! Bet his arse hurts more than the guy in the casts leg! 🀣

@Iborra79L: Imagine getting this annoyed and worked up over a football match.

@realCrazyPaul: “Oh you’re off to Wembley? Break a leg.”

@Iborra79L: Imagine ever appearing in court on a football related violence charge, you’re in the dock and your defence team say to the judge….’well it’s just passion ain’t it’. Obviously the case would be thrown out, all charges revoked and long live passion.

@Benrowlesss: Imagine the embarrassment slipping over at that point hahahahaha

@Mikefp_: Fully grown adults. Embarrassing.

@danny__reed: Another scouse going for a dive πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Got done by a bloke with a boot on – πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

@Duncstar: Impressive how much you can fit in 16 seconds

@cfcnathan26: There must of been an invisible wall

@CrazyCraven01: The kopite falling on his arse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@Milesyrednwhite: I can’t work out who comes off worse in this….

@PapaSmurf1878: Think both parties were happy when that door shut πŸ˜‚β€™ embarrassing meffs.

@TomLevins1: One Leg and still put them on their arses 😭😭😭😭

@tommycarter10: People just living in the moment.

@paddygirl1973: The age of them too…. Need to be careful not dislocate a hip πŸ˜‚

@kyle1point5: Not a phone in sight

@iammrazul: Big Red got had off by an old man in a cast.

@rmace1986: Imagine waking up this morning and seeing your old man doing this…

@tomst7: Old men embarrassing themselves on both sides.

@IsitEm2021: “Come here you c unt” whilst stepping back

@jjpaice84: Pure carnage. Thought he’d thrown his other crutch for a second. πŸ˜‚

@CommodoreMudkip: Chelsea fans shouldn’t be allowed near trains, it never ends well

@jvas1878: Kopites literally getting β€œlegged” by a man on crutches.

@AndyWHU99: 3 on 1 against a guy in a fucking ankle boot, and they still managed to get sat down and bottle it, embarrassing lot

@superckat: If it wasn’t for that invisible force field, those 2 scousers would have gotten off that train… To be further humiliated by 1 man with a damaged leg.

@grecian10681068: That’s his jobseekers allowance fucked.

@Michael2017uk: That’s him losing his disability living allowance

@JuddMatoso: It’s literally a game of football, if people get this angry about a loss then I think they need to speak to a professional!

@Andyaussievilla: How old are they ? Late 40s early 50s ? A fine example to their kids

@yourmangilly: Good lord, the age of them as well. All of them waiting for someone to hold them back

@ct_nicholls: This is terrific!

@MarcusTimson: Great to see some intelligent middle aged English men having fun on a sunny weekend FFS

@wobblethron: In 40 years time someone will phone a radio show asking for nostalgic stories of the FA Cup. “There was one were I threw a plastic flag at a Liverpool fan on the tube, threatened to hit him with my crutch after he fell over trying to kick me and then called I him a scouse prick”

@MockCharge: The slow cinematic pan across to the action makes this art 🎨

@Mr_MC_73: The trailer for Football Factory 2 looks a bit shit

@michaeljh1996: Literal grown men, what a country

@carolyn168: It’s always sad middle aged men who should know better

@benecios: Three scousers getting filled in by a guy with one leg. Warms the heart.

@OfficialJM94: This is really what it’s all about

@carlwilko96: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this has made my day

@Jaamesy1091: Imagine giving it large and then getting put on ya backside by a bloke in a leg splint and on crutches πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@lee1892Johnson: Fuck sake πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

@jack_carefree: One legged Chelsea holding his own πŸ’ͺ🏻 fuck them scousers

SEE MORE: Liverpool fans β€˜raid’ service stations again on route to Wembley taking what they can find

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