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David Cotterill causes outrage with Instagram post 24 hours after Texas school shooting

David Cotterill causes outrage with his Instagram post which came just 24 hours after the tragic Texas school shooting earlier this week.

The ex-Wales international has been adjudged to have suggested that “crisis actors” were used in the massacre that killed 21 people.

Nineteen children and two teachers lost their lives when a lone gunman opened fire at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

Reports claim the suspect, Salvador Ramos, 18, had also shot his grandmother before going onto school premise.

Ramos was shot dead by authorities just after the incident, which is America’s deadliest school massacre in almost 10 years.

The incident has led to widespread grief and outrage across America and the rest of the world, with increased calls made to tighter gun control laws.

However, Cotterill is being accused to have suggested on Instagram that the massacre was “staged” using “crisis actors” with the aim of “manipulating public opinion to bring about change”.

In a post shared to his Instagram story, a message read: “It’s so easy for the controllers to get the exact reaction they’re looking for out of 90% of the population using the same strategy over and over again.

“Take a look at any comment section on the latest event in the US and you’ll see exactly what I mean. Classic problem, reaction, solution. False flag events are one of their go to methods of manipulating the public opinion to bring about change.

“America is the last major country that allows its citizens to arm themselves, which they can’t really have with what they’re planning to do in the coming months and years.

“Many of these events are staged using crisis actors or carried out using victims of MK Ultra/Big Harma. Mantain focus on their agent, and you’ll make sense of it all.”

Cotterill posted this message on his Instagram story

The 34-year-old has previously been controversial when giving his political views. He was critical over the government’s approach to the Covid pandemic, especially the effects of lockdowns, and has frequently posted baseless theories about the alleged dangers of vaccines.

When contacted by WalesOnline, he denied the post related to the Texas school massacre, saying: “When I actually released that I wasn’t even made aware of the actual shooting until I spoke to my dad and he said ‘have you seen the recent shooting in America?’ So my post was just about recent articles when you see some of the stuff about the pandemic. It was not about the actual shooting as I wasn’t even made aware of it until I spoke to my dad, as I said. I fully respect people have lost their lives.”

Daily Star Sport also approached Cotterill for a response, though he did post on Instagram saying: “What a load of b*******. My post was nothing to do with the shooting at all and innocent people being killed.

“My post was about actors being used right throughout the plandemic!”

An emotional Steve Kerr, head coach of basketball franchise Golden State Warriors, got over 1million view this week.

Steve Kerr said: I’m not going to talk about basketball. Nothing’s happened with our team in the last six hours. We’re going to start the same way tonight. Any basketball questions don’t matter. Since we left shoot, around 14 children were killed 400 miles from here and a teacher.

“And in the last 10 days, we’ve had elderly Black people killed in a supermarket in Buffalo. We’ve had Asian churchgoers killed in Southern California. Now, we have children murdered at school. When are we going to do something?

“I’m tired. I’m so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families that are out there. I’m so tired of the– excuse me, I’m sorry. I’m tired of the moments of silence. Enough. There’s 50 senators right now who refused to vote on HRA, which is a background check rule that the House passed a couple of years ago. It’s been sitting there for two years. And there’s a reason they won’t vote on it– to hold on to power.

“So I ask you, Mitch McConnell, I ask all of you senators who refuse to do anything about the violence and school shootings and supermarket shootings. I ask you, are you going to put your own desire for power ahead of the lives of our children and our elderly and our churchgoers? Because that’s what it looks like. It’s what we do every week.

“So I’m fed up. I’ve had enough. We’re going to play the game tonight. But I want every person here, every person listening, to think about your own child or grandchild or mother or father or sister brother. How would you feel if this happened to you today? We can’t get numb to this. We can’t sit here and just read about it and go, “Well, let’s have a moment of silence. Yeah, go, Dubs, you know? Come on, Mavs. Let’s go.”

“That’s what we’re going to do? We’re going to go play a basketball game? And 50 senators in Washington are going to hold us hostage. Do you realize that 90% of Americans, regardless of political party, want background checks, universal background checks? 90% of us, we are being held hostage by 50 senators in Washington who refused to even put it to a vote despite what we the American people want. They won’t vote on it because they want to hold on to their own power. It’s pathetic. I’ve had enough.”

As mentioned, David Cotterill causes outrage with his Instagram post 24 hours after Texas school shooting, though he denies that it was about the tragedy itself…

@chrisfack: David Cotterill makes a pork pie look bright

@timcwegener: He needs help

@WalesAwayDays: Fair to say we are all entitled to our own opinions but that today from David Cotterill is lower than low. Worrying if he can’t see the issue with it as well.

@josh_wats09123: David Cotterill has well and truly lost the plot

@ChrisCOB_OB: Strange bloke!

@nathanlCCFC: There are bad takes and then there’s this. Jesus fucking christ

@nathancarty112: Guy is a loose cannon now 😳

@blueviews6th: Remember when he said he had mental health problems and everyone jumped to help him… What he meant was I have problems and I’m fucking mental.

@Jack_Hobson96: Can’t stress enough how dangerous saying things like this is

@Swanseapassion: I see David Cotterill is having a completely normal one on insta stories again. Utterly bizarre view, frankly worrying.

@KieranBcfc89: Bloke needs a straitjacket and a padded room 🤦🏻

@Dave_C90: Oh mate

@IanBurnell27: How any sane person can say this and actually believe it is beyond me Dai seriously needs help

@winkveron: He’s gone full on Matt Le Tissier here 🤯 #makesyouthink #wakeupsheeple

@AFCMet: I have no words

@BBABirmingham: Jesus someone take his phone

@KaI_WAFC: Actual fucking lunacy

@dylanthomas91: wtf has happened to this man 🤦‍♂️

@A67CFC: Imagine how shite life must be if your whole existence is consumed by conspiracies like this sad weirdo

@Burnett__27: Fella has his own mental health foundation and spouts shit like this. Absolute fucking wrongun

@SeanDave96: Absolutely vile human being and I’m ashamed he’s represented us internationally – what a tool

@soozles_: For someone who gives talks to young people about mental health the stuff he spouts out is very dangerous. The man clearly still has issues that need to be dealt with

@morganmcgrath23: Fucking hell this cunts been brainwashed hasn’t he , fucking idiot.

@M00min0Gaming: How do people genuinely believe crap like this?! Absolutely embarrassed this individual has caps for Wales. Moron.

@SCGeorgeK: I didn’t think he could sink any lower but my goodness! Absolutely sickening!

@TheWelshDragon9: Someone close to him must be reading all this. Help him.

@HollieDavies_14: As a parent and a fucking human being i am disgusted by this. The bloke needs sectioning 😵‍💫

@ben_liversidge: David Cotterill: public speaker for mental health has suggested on a public forum (I assume) that murdered children were “crisis actors.” Not bothered about their parents’ mental health clearly.

@tlmfootball: this makes me sick to my stomach. Who the fuck thinks like this

@ch1992_ch: Sandy hook families were harassed out of there homes due to people like this. David cotterill scum plain and simple.

@_TightWadBill: Unfortunately when you give everybody a voice, you end up with results like this.

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