Football fans took to social media as well as their club’s Twitter accounts to give their thoughts on Sheffield Wednesday grabbing a dramatic late equaliser at Rotherham United…
11 min extra time!! tripping
— Kyla (@MichaelaCharle8) February 16, 2019
Where the f*ck did those extra 2 minutes come from ?
— Adam Griffiths (@abgriff91) February 16, 2019
Can we for once hold a fucking lead and see a game out??
— Gladwin?? (@TGladwin4) February 16, 2019
I expect nothing and I’m still disappointed
— James (@JamesA1996) February 16, 2019
The pigs celebrating at the end like it’s their cup final
— Derek Stocks (@derekstocks3010) February 16, 2019
Nice bit of Fergie time for Mr Bruce.
— Tim Wild (@wildy79) February 16, 2019
Fucking angry to have drawn that, losing would be even worse?
They should have had 4 red cards. Two yellows for Mattock in the first half. Jones late leg breaking tackle on Hutch. Forest clean through and not only cropped, but got studs to the thigh. Thornily elbowed in the face— Rob Smit (@RobSmit86049736) February 16, 2019
Need to get stuck in and fight against the bottom teams something we cant do reach never puts a tackle in big hec too casual joao too lightweight need to shape up Bruce has gave you all a chance
— ian Whitehead Head Greenkeeper Lees Hall Golf Club (@ian_whitehead8) February 16, 2019
— Tom (@fullelove_tom) February 16, 2019
— BEN SHAW ? (@benshawswfc) February 16, 2019
There was also plenty of comments on the ‘scenes’ which saw fans run onto the pitch and Forestieri sent off for going into the stands…
Absolute scenes when Iorfa scored, my fucking ankles ?? #swfc
— Ash Finney (@AshFinney1) February 16, 2019
Disgraceful from Forestieri to celebrate an equalising goal in the 100th minute of the game after being kicked all over the pitch, in a local derby. Fully deserves a red card there. Players should just return to their half with calm faces in these situations. #swfc #pathetic
— Nathan Blood (@nattasswfc) February 16, 2019
So Forestieri gets sent off for jumping in the crowd in the 10th minute of stoppage time. But Rotherham kicked lumps out of him & should have had red. Joke of a referee #swfc
— Chris Walters (@SWFC_Chris) February 16, 2019

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