After reading the tweet on the player’s car window getting smashed and broken into, fans took to social media, some gave their support…
Sorry to hear that benny
— Jamesnffcvernon (@jamesnffcvernon) 14 April 2019
Sorry to hear that Ben, absolute scum, chin up though pal,
— Antony Hatton (@sunnyd_81) 14 April 2019
Hope they didn’t take anything too expensive Ben and you get your window fixed soon
— Millie Nffc Braithwaite (@MillieNffc) 14 April 2019
Thick as thieves… So they say.
— Ian Goodacre (@ureds47) 14 April 2019
I’d be pretty pissed off about the emergency £1 coin too ???♀️
— Lauren Webster (@LaurenyWebster) 15 April 2019
Others couldn’t help but joked and make light of the situation just like the player did…
Wasn’t the ball from one of @mattycash622 ‘s headers from 6 yards was it? ?
— Dave Marmion (@Marmadelica) 14 April 2019
Lots of love, Ben. Am starting a crowdfunder to replace the trolley coin ? x
— Gareth Watts (@tokyobeatbox) 14 April 2019
If I see the pound coin I will let you know.
— Chris (@chrisredone) 14 April 2019
Rumour has it they was looking for Joao Carvalho in the glovebox
— ReissNFFC (@ReissNFFC) 14 April 2019
Just incase he's left back
— NFFCFAMILY ⭐⭐ (@Nffcfamily) 14 April 2019

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