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Fans left pleased as Kidderminster Harriers appoint new manager

After learning of the appointment of John Pemberton as the new manager of Kidderminster, fans took to give their reaction…

@JamescfcBeeton2: That’s a great Shrewd appointment, just the type of a guy a club of Kidderminster’s size needed. Very good appointment from Colin and co

@Withers32: Welcome John,let’s hope it entices Ironside to stay as I believe they may have worked together previously. If we can sign mcalinden that be great….here’s hoping.

@jono_1981: No experience at our level. Hasn’t managed a full season at a club. Yes, has a decent CV. V interested in how he’ll set the side up. We need character, energy and more physicality. Welcome and good luck.

@NickyH4WK5: Quality – didn’t always see eye to eye with him when I was at Forest but on reflection he was a top coach and guy and I was a pain in the arse – good luck Pembo

@BigWillyTurner: Now let’s sign some players and get promoted!

@George_CFC_: He’ll do a great job for you lot 100%

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