After finding gout that Manuel Pellegrini has been sacked by West Ham, fans took to give their reaction but also say who they wanted to replace him…
4 months too late. Losing at home to Leicester's reserves put the nail in the coffin.
— 360Sources (@360Sources) December 28, 2019
Allardyce time!
— ☆™ (@LfcJaden) December 28, 2019
At the wheel, yeah?
— ً (@utdrobbo) December 28, 2019
— West Ham Transfers (@westhamtransfer) December 28, 2019
Manuel Pellegrini looks devastated.
— Football Survivor (@footiesurvivor) December 28, 2019
@JerseyYld: Give it Noble til the end of the season
@Thunesjr: First it was unai’ss at the wheel and he’s gone and then it was manuel… try banter us again and see what happens.
@willfdon: Looking forwards to 5-4-1 and more Moyesball.
@Jose_ph_Webb: How do I like things twice
@rickwhufc: Finally!! Now for Kovac & under no circumstance Moyes, Kovac knows how to deal with your £45m striker
@tonygibson: Should have been sacked weeks out – now sell up and let us move on
@WestHamOnline: Please don’t announce Moyes
@neilpt7e: Congratulations to the ineptitude of the board for failing to support a great manager!!

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