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Southend fans posts incredibly sad statement with plans to form phoenix club

Southend United fans posts an incredibly sad statement with plans to form a phoenix club to replace that one that could end up dissolving.

The Shrimpers, who sit 9th in the National League, have until the 1st of March to pay off large tax bills, being handed a winding-up petition from HMRC. And while all of this is going on, the club’s office staff are still waiting for wages for December and January, according to Echo News.

Staff haven’t received any kind of payment since November, and were expected to get January’s pay packets on the 31st of January, however they got nothing with players also not being paid.

On Monday night, the supporters came together via Zoom and urged Ron Martin to give up some shares in order to save them from being liquidated.

Save Our Southend said

On Monday 30th January, the supporters’ groups of Southend United met online to discuss the current plight of the football club and to try to find consensus of opinion. Following that meeting, we would like to provide the following update:

The groups remain united in their belief that club owner Ron Martin is not the right person to take Southend United forwards in the medium or long-term. We reiterate our strong collective opinion that should he continue in the role for the time being, he should seriously consider outside investment to help overcome the club’s immediate financial difficulties and progress the Fossetts Farm stadium project.

Last week we declared our concern that come 1st March 2023, we may no longer have a football club to support. Knowing how important Southend United is to us all, and to the local community as a whole, we cannot allow that to happen.

In line with contingency planning for possible liquidation of the club, a working group has been established to begin urgent exploratory work around the possibility of establishing a phoenix club to take the place of Southend United within the National League System. We recognise that this is an emotive subject, and it is not a decision that we have taken lightly.

The thought of Southend United as we know it ending does not bear thinking about. However, in the absence of any official evidence-based messages of reassurance coming out of the club, now is the time to stop treating the subject of a phoenix club as taboo. We would be doing the club and the fanbase a disservice by not preparing fully for such an eventuality.

We were also pleased to welcome a proxy representative from the protest group, who participated fully in the discussions. The supporters’ groups were broadly supportive of the need to protest against the current ownership of the club and expressed an interest in hearing and contributing to a strategy that can unify a mass movement of Southend fans.

Due to the severity of the situation, online meetings will be continuing on a weekly basis until the beginning of March – and beyond if required. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the subjects discussed, it will not always be possible for meetings to be opened up or recorded.

This is another decision that we have not taken lightly. We want to be as transparent as the situation allows and we want supporters to feel involved in our discussions, so please get in touch via any of the groups listed with any questions or ideas. We will endeavour to find other ways in which you can connect during the process.

This is what Twitter users had to say while Southend fans posts an incredibly sadly statement with plans to form a phoenix club…

@Chairman_KOTP: In the scheme of things…. If he pays the players and not the tax bill nobody gets paid for ages. All focus must be on the tax bill now.

@NickLapwood: February is going to be a long month

@mark_foan: Even the players. Obviously not enough, but where did the gate receipts from Saturdays game go? It seems as if the club has no money at all. Very worrying.

@ShaunMalone1997: Players as well we’re in the shit big time

@TheMoronHunter1: Let me start by saying I want Ron gone too. He’s the reason we’re a non-league team today. The complete breakdown of the relationship between him & the fans is toxic & poisoning the club. The Council however, are just as complicit for the financial mess but never mentioned

I was really hoping Ron would pull this out of the bag
And I realised its Ron Martin
You have destroyed Southend united
Only one man
When he actually wakes up and see’s how he is treating people
There are so many words I want to call you
But your not worth it

@MaxPollard6: Players ain’t getting paid now is the time for fans to get these games stopped that’s do exactly what Scunthorpe have done bout time we all come together

@ShrimpersTalk: I pray that if God forbid come March 1st we cease to exist that the scumbag gets chased out of the country by a pitch forked mob.

@ScotsShrimper: I seriously hope Collymore has some sort of back up plan otherwise we are screwed! Fucking disgusting, how is any of this legal. He should be forced to sell the club! #MartinOut

@jed57239481: Given up for words, just got two simple ones fuck and off

@lillatimer: Fuck off Ron 😡

@LiamGlover_: What’s worse out of bumping a charity or your own playing staff?

@cfconnolly97: Why would you stay as a player or staff? Treated so unbelievably poorly by a man so entangled in his own greed. His refusal to give up even a section of the pie will kill our club.

@WillB_2003: Makes it even more mental that they’re in the playoff mix when this has been going on for weeks and months, fingers crossed they get a similar outcome to Scunthorpe 🤞

@MitchJesse: Get the cunt gone

@danfairless97: Absolute fucking farce. Watching the club slowly die like this is heartbreaking

@petergoodwin92: I’m not shocked, the club is broken

@charlie_whitz: Disgraceful #martinout

@CarlReader: Words fail me. Our last approach was on 3 January and we were ignored. I suspected this might happen given the rumours I heard about bank balance a week or two ago. Surely a five minute chat, or an email exchange, could have opened the door to an immediate fix?

@JB_Allen: Cba it just constant with this club

@Ollie_Watson08: What a Joke! #martinout

@__jacklawrence: Anyone that defends the fucking crook at the top or has the attitude ‘ no point trying coz he won’t sell now ‘ needs to fuck off. We should be doing everything in our power as a fan base to get this guy out however slim the chances are . THIS IS OUR CLUB FOR ONCE UNITE PLEASE

@SmiffySUFC: Now the players getting a taste. Wonderful. Goodbye play-offs 👋🏻

@BCumminss: I have no words for this. People are standing back watching this club die. Fans all need to get together and get this clown out of our club. Enough is enough.

@jemmaaross: Sitting in his ivory tower. The continue to the end 💔

@ArryHarrison: Wishing all you Southend United fans the best whilst you’re going through this awful situation. If you stick together your club will be fine, whether that’s with the current incarnation or a phoenix club if it comes to it. Always remember the fans are the history and the future

@KetchleyShane: Protests need to be large in numbers and very vocal!!! This needs to be happening every game including this saturday

@GaryBracci: I vote for the name to be Southend Athletic.

@AndyMoylett: Keep protesting be passionate about you wanting your club to survive …. I feel for you … Scunthorpe United are in a better place … I hope Southend United also get there. #MARTINOUT

@TomDearlove1: Awful news – Hope Southend end is still a club after 1st march

@mondazeo88: @SkySportsNews @SkyNews @BBCMOTD Where is the coverage?! Come on! A football club is on the brink of closure. A city on the verge of loosing it’s football identity! What happened to #grassrootsfootball and getting the word out there?! @GaryLineker @alanshearer SOMEONE HELP US!

@danfairless97: Knew about the possibility of a phoenix club for a while and it’s still breaking my heart that it’s becoming closer to reality… Somebody please save our club 😭

@allen_bonesy: Not sure if i could fall in love with an “AFC Southend” I’d be too heartbroken when (not if) Southend United die

@NickLapwood: Like the idea of a phoenix club if the worst happened

@TheDerb: Soft spot for Southend remembering our friendly rivalry (GFC) over the years and the good welcome we always received at Roots Hall. Wishing you all the best. Hang on in there you Shrimpers….

@PointlessBoyco1: Scunny fans are right there with you. Keep making noise, keep making a nuisance of yourselves at those not listening and DON’T GIVE UP.

@dylanwalsh_: Absolutely astonishing development from Southend United’s main supporter groups. I can’t believe things have reached a stage where a phoenix club is being proposed. If things don’t change soon, there will be hell to pay for Ron Martin.

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