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National League clubs split on vote to end season

National League clubs are split on whether to vote to end the season without playing games that were scheduled up to the 25th of April.

The BBC have found that 10 of the 24 National League clubs want the season to end immediately, four want it to continue, nine can’t make up their minds and one has refused to give an answer.

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The majority want clarity on what they are actually voting for as it’s unclear what the options are and how they will determine the outcomes of the leagues.

Last Thursday the National League Board recommended clubs vote for the resolution.

There are 32 votes in total with all 24 clubs from the National League plus four votes each from the National League North and South.

If the vote passes, clubs will then be asked to help “determine the outcomes of the season” through further polls.

A decision is expected to be made within the next few weeks, the vote deadline due the 7th May, with play offs still a possibility.

Fans gave their reaction after learning that National League clubs are split on the vote to end the season…

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