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Celtic fans cover up Aston Villa banner placed on motorway bridge ahead of Champions League game

Celtic fans cover up an Aston Villa banner which had been placed on the motorway bridge ahead of Wednesday’s Champions League game.

The Hooligans.cz Official (@hooliganscz1999) Twitter account posted photos they have seen, hours leading up to the match.

They wrote: “Banner placed by Aston Villa supporters on motorway bridge for arriving Celtic supporters to see upon arriving in Birmingham”

“Celtic covered Aston Villa at motorway bridge”

The banner read: “Fenian scum out of Brum, Fuck the pope and the I.R.A!! AVFC our city”

The 1897 Group (@VP1897) tweeted: “Out of respect for the families and friends of the victims of the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings (who recently marked the 50th anniversary of mourning)…

“…we would ask that you please refrain from those chants or songs that may cause distress as we remember the 21 innocent people who were tragically killed in our city on that awful night. Expect opposition around the city and stadium if they are heard.”

After lunchtime, the atmosphere was building, seemingly in good spirit the Celtic fans were starting to arrive in full voice.

Pubs were also filling up, with the same energy and songs being sung, as can be seen in the video clips below.

Then a video emerged of Celtic fans chanting “Irish republican army” through the city…


West Midlands Police is looking forward to welcoming Celtic fans to Birmingham for the Champions League fixture between Aston Villa and Celtic which promises to be a great event.

But we are sending a clear message to fans attending the fixture at Villa Park on Wednesday evening – if you haven’t got a valid ticket you won’t get into the ground.

We know there are 2,400 tickets that have officially been sold to Celtic fans however there are also concerns that there may be counterfeit tickets circulating and we don’t want fans to be caught out.

Robust ticket checks will be carried out by Aston Villa FC – if you have a fraudulent ticket you are likely to be arrested.

There are extensive policing plans in place around the fixture with additional officers in the city throughout the day to ensure all visitors are kept safe.

Superintendent Jack Hadley said: “We are used to dealing with large events including high-profile football matches and have a plan in place to allow fans to enjoy the game safely and keep the wider public safe.

“We are anticipating a large number of people coming into the city and we want everyone to enjoy what it has to offer.

“Although we are not anticipating any issues, officers will deal with anyone not behaving as expected in a positive manner.

“Anyone behaving anti-socially can expect to be dispersed from the city, and anyone committing criminal offences can expect to be arrested.”

As part of WMP’s policing plan, we have police horses, police dogs and officers from a range of teams and departments including drones, traffic officers and motorcyclists. We also have colleagues from Police Scotland’s football unit working closely alongside us.

Supt Hadley continued: “We have worked very closely with AVFC as well as transport colleagues at Transport for West Midlands, Highways England and also emergency services in preparation for the event.”

Witton Lane in Aston will be closed to traffic from 5pm on Wednesday evening.

Twitter users as Celtic fans cover up Aston Villa banner placed on motorway bridge ahead of the Champions League game…

@celticcolin1967: That is so scary we better all go home now

@Paulmullen4: Ffs that’s tragic 😂

@SonicTheHaggis: It’ll be the bus drivers that see it, the supporters on the bus won’t 😂😂😂

@DopeyRab: 😂😂😂 right lads that’s everyone told…..back on the coaches and up the road…. They’ve made their feelings clear …. Their ma’s won’t be happy at a good clean bedsheet ruined but they made their point and we should respect their wishes

@RoccoD67: Ffs that no better than a 50th birthday message spray painted on a bedsheet hanging on a roundabout 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a fkn embarrassment

@WalterKovacs69: Yeah fuck off with this shit. No place for this at Villa. We have fans on both sides, so get to fuck. #AVFC

@JTT_AVF: I’m sure the Celtic fans will head home now 🤦‍♂️ How embarassing; we’ll all get tarnished with this pathetic bed sheet #avfc

@Aj71V: Highly embarrassing 🤦🏻‍♂️ UTV

@erlsellick: Mental bastards man. Bet they buses reversed back up the road pronto.

@18Corvo88: 🤣🤣 battle of the banners

@mcguigs1996: Wow I’d say all the celtic fans over in Birmingham are soo scared after seeing the writing on that bed sheet ffs catch yourselves on nobody gives one fuck about yous 😂😂🍀🍀

@joegodwin_: i actually think we have the thickest fan base in the world, look who our fucking captain is

@LLCoooolJames: Bless them. They seem far more amped up about this than we are. Wee club.

@JustinG92785123: Pathetic attempt to use sectarian hatred to give a football match some edge where it doesn’t exist. All that will happen is 10,000 Celtic fans will have a good afternoon in Birmingham before facing the reality, 20 minutes into the match, that the B6 lot will beat them comfortably

@adthelad57: The battle of the bridge.

@LozzieMac: This is embarrassing, and that’s coming from a Villa supporter 🙄

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