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Bristol Rovers warn fans over ‘inappropriate chants and songs’ sung during recent matches

Bristol Rovers warn their fans over a number of ‘inappropriate chants and songs’ which could be heard sung during recent matches.

The League One outfit said they were disappointment after receiving the reports of allegations over chants and songs that contain racial implications, homophobic connotations, and reinforce outdated stereotypes.

They are wanting to stamp this out, and have since issued the following statement for fans to consider, be reminded of and consider ahead of their next match…


Bristol Rovers Football Club is saddened by reports of inappropriate chants and songs at recent fixtures.

Bristol Rovers supporters are the lifeblood of our Club and consistently provide an electric atmosphere at home matches at The Memorial Stadium, as well as an incredible following to every away fixture contested by Matt Taylor’s side.

While the Club does not wish to dampen the energy brought by Gasheads home and away in their passionate support of the team, we are disappointed by reports of chants and songs that include racial undertones, homophobic references and perpetuate outdated stereotypes.

What has become evident is that some people involved in these songs may not recognise the harm such words can cause, or the effect these chants can have on players, coaching staff or fellow match-going supporters. The Club is committed to communicating with our fans on such issues and, where appropriate, educating.

Bristol Rovers Football Club has a duty and responsibility to report any such discriminatory chants and songs, and take action against those engaging in such behaviour. Perpetrators could face stadium bans and possible criminal prosecution.

The Club stands in solidarity with the Kick It Out campaign to fight for equality and eradicate discrimination from our game.

If you encounter discriminatory or anti-social behaviour at a Bristol Rovers fixture, please report it to your nearest steward, the Club at 07451 288910, or to Kick It Out here.

Here’s how Twitter users reacted as Bristol Rovers warn fans over ‘inappropriate chants and songs’ sung during recent matches…

@Ford4Caz: So pleased the club have released this statement. I for one, certainly do not want to be in a crowd where that song is being sung about one of our players.

@sjreynolds1883: Agreed!

@HU8GAS: Agree, watch the Linford documentary, I suggest to any fan who doesn’t understand

@RemovableC: While we’re about it can we PLEASE knock the stupid IRA one on the head too.

@SteveMowat4: Some of the comments here 👀 The promise chant is racist. Even if you don’t think it is, it really is. The IRA chant is outdated, pathetic and nothing to do with us. I’m sure you creative minds can come up with something else that is clean & rhymes. See it as a challenge.

@brfc_matty: Surely not over the promise chant 😂

@DavidFlewellen: There’s clearly an element of the fanbase that will ignore this request, and will try to sing the song anyway. 🤦🏻‍♂️ A response song of “We’ve got the worst fans… in the world” or “What the fucking hell was that?” would be pretty sweet.

@Hibbsy37: Absolutely behind this. Cmon Gas, we are better than that! Much much better! #utg

@Keithpowell1883: Don’t mention that other Bristol team in any song, they are irrelevant, what has BRFC got to do with the IRA, forget it

@ElliotLane11: Good. We can do so much better in 2024 than a chant with a lazy racial stereotype that many black athletes have condemned in the past, whether it’s meant to be ‘supportive’ or not

Isn’t it funny that all of the ones saying:
“it’s woke nonsense” “can’t sing anything anymore” “may as well not go if you can’t chant” and “it’s just a bit of banter”
Are all white, working class men who grew up in the 70, 80 and 90s.

He’s faster than a speeding train, Promise, Promise
He scored a goal, he scored again, Promise, Promise
He came from Dublin to the Mem, got the ball and scored again
Omichere, Rovers number 9.

@max_w94: The chant in question is unequivocally racist. It perpetuates racial stereotypes that have no place in modern society. It is profoundly disheartening that, even in this age of progress, many individuals find such reprehensible behaviour a source of amusement.

@PirateGashead: So many blokes in the replies crying that their right to sing songs about another person’s genitalia has been impinged. Why do they want to sing about another man’s penis anyway?

@calcology: Every word is spot on. The chant which was doing the rounds amongst a handful of people was vile and definitely contained outdated and racist undertones. When I heard it I actually couldn’t believe that a few young fans promoting it couldn’t see the problem with it.

@souredcream: If you think it’s ok then you’re part of the problem #utg

@JN_231: Time to make a statement to get rid of that shite IRA song

@UTG_29: The inhabitants of the ‘shit for brains’ FB pages strike again 🤦‍♂️

@Joe_UTG: Surely not the Promise one?

@karl_krm: Quite right Rovers 👏 40 years supporting the Gas and we are much better than putting up with intolerance of any kind.

@SteveMowat4: Does this mean that the numbskulls singing the Promise chant can stop as well as the IRA chant being put in the bin or reworded?

@J_Green46: 100% the right decision by the club, Black footballers have spoke out for a while on this matter now. There is a documentary somewhere from Linford Christie who speaks about this sort of stuff and I think some fans should go watch it to educate themselves #UTG

@JakeW2311: Not surprised. The IRA chant has baffled me too. People have just got to think more before they open their gobs. The amount of shit that was being directed at jack diamond against Stockport was disgusting. Google it. It’s not “edgy” and it’s not “woke” for calling it out either

@jonathanmiles43: Well done to the club for this statement 👏

@kellyoxley: Anyone who wants to moan about this should just spend a moment of their lives watching the Linford Christie doc on iPlayer, and then say that this sort of thing doesn’t upset anyone. It really does. Well done rovers for calling this out 👏

@cw_gas76: Some absolute whoppers in this fanbase. Happy to see the whole lot of them chucked out if they can’t follow such a simple request.

@BoatyMcboatgas: Happy that the club have acted quickly. Racists have no place at our club. Understandable to give them a chance to claim ignorance, but if it’s sung again then time to identify and ban.

@MrRic_Hard: Touché 👏 At the very minimum it’s crass & makes us sound like a bunch of 12yos seeing what naughty words they can get away with a football!

He joined the gas from Fleetwood Town, Promise Promise,
He only cost 500 grand, Promise Promise,
He knocks defenders to the floor,
give him the ball and he will score,
Omochere rovers number 9,
Na an na na na.

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