Fans took to give their reaction to the alleged racism at Luton by Bristol City supporters, with many wanting them banned…
This isn't what our club is about and it's a shame a lot of other teams fans may think it is. Hopefully ourselves and Yeovil will act accordingly and set an example for all the other teams across the country and ban the racists for life
— Bracey (@BraceyIsGod) October 20, 2019
No place for this in our club
— Ben (@ben_bcfc_) October 20, 2019
No place for this at Bristol City or anywhere in society. Glad to see the club taking action and I hope those involved are banned from the club. City fans who witness this behaviour should report those involved to the authorities at the game.
— Peter Neate (@Shirehorse1) October 20, 2019
Ban them for life
— ? (@KBCFC1005) October 20, 2019
Lifetime bans MUST be given. #NoRoomForRacism
— Jake Pike (@JakePike4) October 20, 2019
@WeeWohnson: All culprits should be banned, no room for hatred in this club
@Jacob_BCFC: Lifetime ban for home and away games, distribute their names and faces to home fan pubs around the Gate too, don’t let them enjoy a game of Bristol City football ever again.
@JoshGrotzke: Should all get life bans
@Nintendoubt815: Embarrassing that the club are even having to do this. Those singing should be ashamed, and yet I bet they were foaming at the mouth with rage when the England players were abused ?
@chuxxxz: Kick the fuckers out
@ytfctom: Prepare for your club and fans be labelled by racists
@FridgeFreezy: Honestly after what happened with England.. you’d expect so much better. No place in football full stop for racism. Hope the club finds out who it is and in forces lifetime bans.. absolute scum!

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