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Benefits of football for college students

Do you want to play football, but are afraid that it will have a bad effect on your studies and success in college? Today we will talk about the benefits of playing football for students. We prove that you can both write an essay perfectly with the help of an college essay proofreading and play football.

Football is a very interesting and widespread team sports game. Almost all people with sufficient endurance can play it. After all, in the game you need not just to push the ball, but also to run at different speeds for a long time. That is why, by the way, football is very good for health. But football is not only a benefit to the body, but also a lot of impressions and a good mood.

The health benefits of football

– Strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
– Develops and strengthens body muscles. The child grows and becomes physically developed, muscles and bones are strengthened, immunity is increased. Different exercises are used during training, so all muscle groups are involved and a complex load is revealed.
– Helps increase the strength of bones and joints.
– Develops mobility and flexibility. Football for children will teach to think and make decisions quickly, plan and calculate steps, evaluate their own actions and the actions of other players. He develops purposefulness, discipline and responsibility, diligence and ability to play in a team, willpower and endurance.
– Due to the constant change of running speed is a great comprehensive workout for the whole body.
– Improves reaction and teaches the ability to think and make decisions quickly.
– Develops concentration, improves self-control and self-discipline, hardens the character and adds confidence.
– Teaches to build relationships in society (because football is a team game). Playing in a team helps a child feel part of something big and meaningful. He learns to communicate and communicate with the coach and other people, learns to build relationships and adapts to society. Sport educates and develops character, personality. The child becomes more confident and relaxed.
– Allows you to relax well and have a good time, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Sport helps to distract from the negative, relieves stress and tension. It promotes the full growth and development of the child. And playing football in the fresh air improves lung function and eliminates toxins, saturates the blood and body tissues with oxygen.

In order not to harm your body by playing football, you need to follow simple recommendations:

– Be sure to perform a comprehensive warm-up before the game.

– Train your body to be able to withstand the loads experienced by the body during the game, as well as to avoid injuries (football – contact game).

– Focus on the game and do not be distracted.

– Try to avoid unnecessary rudeness during the game, so as not to harm other players.

At what age to give a child to football

Experts advise to give children to power sports not earlier than four years. Recruitment to football teams takes place from the age of six or seven. By the age of four or five, a child will simply not understand the rules of the game and will not be able to learn the basic skills of the game. In addition, such a load at such an early age is dangerous to the health of the baby.

But you can push in the yard from the moment when the baby will stand confidently, walk and run. Up to the age of three or four, a future footballer can be taught to wield a ball and strike.

Improve your skills by playing together with your parents, friends or boys in the yard. Then the child will come to the football team already prepared, and the coach will definitely assess the skills and abilities of the child. After all, the coaching staff decides whether to take the child to the sports section.

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