After watching the video of Deeney mocking Raul Jimenez’s goal celebration, fans took to social media to give their reaction…
Well said Troy, yours was a proper celebration KRO!!
— Kevin Jones (@kevjj50) 7 April 2019
this guy is so cocky, cant wait till we put 5 past them in the final
— h (@h4mzi) 7 April 2019
— Jack (@Jack_e1) 7 April 2019
Can someone tell me why this guy deeney has a good reason to be bothered by jimenez's mask celebration? Goals are meant to be celebrated, was his celebration disrespectful? Because I don't see the disrespect anywhere, this guy is just dumb
— Diego Martinez (@DiegoFrmDa559) 8 April 2019
Half the player of what Jimenez does
— Nath (@nathwwfc_) 7 April 2019
Most however lost their respect for him and thought it was an unprofessional comment to make…
Had alot of respect for this guy until this comment, what a pr1ck of a man.
— Adam Burns (@Findingnuno) 7 April 2019
Total bell end of a man, no class or respect. I heard his comments slating Southgate and his lack of Watford selections, really was an embarrassment of an interview… No chance of him being called up now.. Thankfully
— nigel turner wwfc (@nigeturner68) 7 April 2019
Troy Deeney often speaks with considerable candour and can give a fresh, honest perspective on difficult issues. This is not his finest moment.
— Bob Jones (@BobJones_Herts) 7 April 2019
No class.
— Johnny B. /\_/\ (@GrumpyDad3) 7 April 2019
Stay classy
— Tibetan Wolf (@TibetanWWFC) 7 April 2019
When you taking your mask off deeney?? You're lacking a bit of class there mate. No surprises there obviously.
— Steve Marriott (@MazzaShizzle) 7 April 2019
Is this meant to be sarcastic or what
— ??????? (@tomvlaa) 7 April 2019

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