Videos emerge as Sunderland and Newcastle fans cross paths at the same service station and taunt each other when heading south.
On Saturday, Sunderland were making their way to their Championship fixture at Coventry, while Newcastle were on their way to London for the Carabao Cup Final against Liverpool on Sunday.
But both North East rivals mocked each other with chants, while others got up in each others faces, and one clip is allegedly of Sunderland fans letting the air out of a tyre of a Newcastle fan coach.
Whilst Sunderland and Newcastle fans were at the same services en route down south, a Sunderland fan let the air out of a tyre of a Newcastle fan coach…
— Football Away Days (@FBAwayDays) March 15, 2025
Sunderland and Newcastle fans have crossed paths at a service station #SAFC
— Sunderland Global Media (SGM) (@Sunderland_GM) March 15, 2025
Bumped into some mackems at tve services good banter
#Nufc #londonbound
(@paulnufc1892) March 15, 2025
— MF
(@Nufc_MF) March 15, 2025
Mouthy mackems going Coventry we’re going Wembley #nufc
— MF
(@Nufc_MF) March 15, 2025
Enjoy Cov away lads! #NUFC #SAFC
— Will (@ProDowd) March 15, 2025
Twitter users reacted as Sunderland and Newcastle fans cross paths at the same service station and taunt each other…
@NS_1872: Under the Road Traffic Act 1988, “a person is guilty of an offence if he intentionally and without lawful authority or reasonable cause … interferes with a motor vehicle, trailer or cycle.” I imagine the individual who did this will be in quite a lot of trouble very soon.
@GerryKeogh_: Guess that Sunderland fan wanted to deflate Newcastle’s chances before they even got to the match. Unfortunately for them, the only thing getting pumped up now is their criminal record!
@azfootball29: Them tyres nearly went down as quick as Sunderland did from the premier league to league 1 in back to back seasons
@RambleAndPint: Fine line between banter and just being a cunt.
@_C_1_9: Typical low IQ behaviour.
@1875KC: Gotta be careful doing this shit. All for banter and rivalries but imagine they happened to be in an incident…
@JMO_96: Great idea! Letting the air out of thr tyres of a 15 tonne coach about to be going 60-70mph
@CarlosBSanch86: Actually illegal and dangerous.
@AurierForPM: Hopefully this was passed on to the relevant authorities since this is pretty dangerous
@tabby1111: Don’t mind the banter side of things, but if that driver pulls off and there is a accident not good
@JamieGrand84: At a services of all places. I can’t imagine how they managed to fix it
@matteohib94: So if the coach crashes on the motorway cause the tyre went flat and kills all on board and other innocent motorists is it ‘banter’ then. Genuinely pathetic behaviour and deserves prison time from those doing it
@JameswhufcJones: I mean that’s quite literally endangering not only the lives of those who would be on the coach but any road users too… whisky filming themselves…
@robbowwfc: Anyone laughing at this is a fucking idiot. The risk this poses to the driver, passengers and other road users is unbelievable. Could genuinely kill people but it’s okay because “LOL bantz”
@JamesWi84409921: Fucking stupidity if that bus drives off and then blows out and kills some family’s it’s murder you dick heads
@Mikeapolis: Woodhall services full of Sunderland, Newcastle and Boro fans this is new.
@RachaelThex91: SAFC and NUFC accidentally meeting at Wetherby Services, apparently it’s lively
@LfcShaunjudge: And it’s at this point the police are asking questions… Literally covered under criminal damage… Why people do shit like this for likes is beyond me…
@yoru_uk1: Hope they find out who posted this. Massively dangerous that…
@FornalsFluency: Just me who finds this incredibly weird and not funny at all?
Ian Shipley: If this front tyre is left in and under inflated state it will overheat at speed and blow out. A full sized coach out of control could collide with ANY vehicle on the motorway. The Potential consequences are catastrophic. It could be a Sunderland Coach next. The person doing this is not a football fan. This person is an imbecile.
Thomas Graham: As an SAFC fan find this pathetic
Tony Lee: Be facing criminal charges if out happens to that bus when it’s tyres are flat/flatter than normal.
Trevor Gilmore: Wankers.. could crash and cause multiple injuries..
Charlotte Bain: Absolutely no need in doing that. It’s only football. People need to be safe, no matter which team they support.
Stephen Pallas: It’s also tad amount to attempted murder if the driver is not notified, bus is only checked on first use driver has no requirement to recheck everytime he stops, this is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard of, obviously never been or driven a bus when it’s had a blow out, I have and it’s not pretty. Stupid stupid behaviour.
Gordon Scorer: Pathetic and dangerous. And you should not be publicising it as if it was ‘banter’, you should be condemning it
John Stephen Carhart: Bloody stupid irresponsible behaviour. My grandson is driving one of those coaches and yes he’s a big Sunderland supporter( but that is his assignment this weekend ) Rivalry and Banter is fine endangering life is not!

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