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Step 6 club broken into by thief who is caught on CCTV stealing cash register

Step 6 club Harrowby United have been broken into this week by a thief who ended up being caught on CCTV stealing a cash register.

The United Counties League Division One side uploaded photos and a video which captured the burglar breaking the door down and making his way into the bar area and stole the till.

A spokesperson for the club posted an appeal for information on the club’s Facebook page.

They said: “Early this morning the club was targeted by thieves. On this occasion he or they came tooled up for the job. After destroying two doors to gain entry then ripped the jukebox off the wall along with the lotto machine , not content with that they then stole the till.

“All the above were found close by completely destroyed. They then smashed various stock in the bar and as a final parting gift stole all the charity tubs off the bar.”

Charity collection boxes and alcohol were also stolen in the early morning raid.

A jukebox, lottery machine and various other bits of stock in the bar area were also completely destroyed.

Whilst CCTV footage captured one suspect, it doesn’t mean to say that more people were involved.

Lincolnshire Police have been contacted to help the club deal with the break-in whilst also hoping to catch the culprit(s).

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