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Gary Neville reveals Roy Keane’s X-rated text messages; Keano praised for giving life advice

Gary Neville reveals Roy Keane’s X-rated text messages, with Keano also praised by fans online for giving incredibly solid life advice.

In another viral clip, off the back of one where Keane made a cheeky yet brutal dig at Jill Scott, Nev was in a cheeky mood with Keane and Ian Wright as they debated on England’s mentality and approach to matches at the Euros.

Speaking on Stick to Football / The Overlap, Neville couldn’t help but get the messages out and read out one of Keane’s texts to Ian.

Gary to Ian: Did you go under a little bit? did you have a down day, but like a bit of a dip you have them…

Ian: I think I did I think I might have had one yeah

Roy to Gary: You have them days, I don’t

Gary: I have them days

Roy: You do? You all have them, I don’t, you noticed that?

Ian: I do, you do,

Gary: You’re constantly here, we’re at least up here somewhere

Ian: You know what his dip is, you know what his dip is? His dip is normal and then he’ll just snap on you it’s like remember we was in the in the group we was talking the other day

Roy: Nah nah you started that

Ian: Right he just went off on me man, he just went off me

Gary: I should read that out you know

Jill: What did he say

Roy: You started it Wrighty you know

Gary: I’m going to read it out

Roy: It’s all private

Gary: It’s not private

Ian: Why did you go there

Gary: I’m going to read it out

Ian: Why did you go there

Roy: You started it about the Euros in 1962 or something

Ian: Go Gary tell them

Roy: Gary stop. Silly throw me under the bus here

Ian: No he’s not throwing you under the bus, he’s not

Gary: It doesn’t have to make the edit, it doesn’t have to make the edit Roy

Jill: I think I’ve seen all these messages when I was home I was like

Roy: You started, what’s that got to do with, you like, you started that kind of a nastiness

Ian: I didn’t twist

Roy: You did you, that one, what’s that got to do with

Ian: You’re the one who came with the swear words I didn’t come with a swear words…

Neville: This was after a long conversation: You brought the Euro final up you f***ing egg!

Wright: That’s Roy! That’s Roy to me!

Neville: All bulls*** about being afraid to fail. What bulls*** that is! England are the best at it so they should be f***ing used to it. All ex-England players thinking they know about the game when they won f*** all. And then, too lazy themselves to get their f***ing coaching badges but preach about tactics and systems and playing between the f***ing lines. Turns my f***ing stomach.

Wright: Where’d you get that anger from?

Keane: Because you said something at the start! Go back to what he said!

Neville: This is what Ian said: History shows we don’t take the initiative when we’re winning. Fight and desire doesn’t help when you’re afraid to fail. Euro’s final, scored in two minutes and after that, at Wembley, we had five shots. You [Keane] then responded: England beat Germany 2-0 in Euro 2020 and they had five shots with four on target. So you can win big games with limited chances, being clinical and don’t give much away simply.

Keane: Then what does he say?

Neville: He said: I’m talking about a final at home. The f*** are you talking about?

The video is a must watch…

Roy Keane then gave some life advice to Gary, who was always busy, with a video of what was said going on to get thousands of views on Twitter….

Roy to Ian on a bike ride: Tell me when you’re having a dip day

Ian: I’m not having a dip day, I need you when I’m…

Gary: You had a dip day yesterday, he did

Roy to Gary: And you go missing

Gary: I have the odd day where I go there

Ian: I don’t know why I had a dip day

Roy: You come downstairs, you say the lads that overlapping buzz you slag them all for about an hour and then we get you through it you said you don’t know what I have to deal with

Gary: No just something we’re incredibly privileged but when you’re away for a month you do feel like

Roy: I don’t though, I don’t

Ian: I do

Roy: Do you ever look at me when in the hotel and go, he’s don’t. I lift people that’s what I do

Gary to Roy: You’re a motivator

Ian: How can, I can have a dip there if I’m with you all the time and people what’s happening

Roy: Oh yeah I’m human as well as you, you have that. You have your dips like in your room

Ian: I do yeah

Roy: Not with me

Gary: We haven’t done anything have we haven’t we’ve just literally done the football but we haven’t really done

Roy: Yeah because you spend your time sending 200 emails

Ian: Yeah

Roy: You know what I mean

Ian: Two hours on zoom

Roy: There’s no point in being successful, this where I look at people yes it’s no good being successful if you can’t find time for people

Ian: Thank you

Roy: Am I, am I right?

Gary: I’ve been for lunch with you quite a few times

Ian: Well said

Roy: Thanks thank you

Jill: Yeah he was for lunch weren’t you?

Roy: Yeah but you coming at the last minute

Ian: And then he goes I got to go, what are you doing today when you’re leaving

Roy: Yeah exactly

Ian: You’re going again you’re always leaving us

Roy: Jill you asked for people to meet you for coffee who turns up

Jill: Yeah you to be fair you’re so good if you say half 10 you’re there

Roy: Thank you. I find time for people

Ian: Didn’t I come with you yesterday my bad knee, I walked for 45 minutes

Roy: That was lovely that was lovely

Gary: It feels like you send about 10 messages asking for coffee

Jill: No but I know and you never replied exactly

Ian: Gary you don’t reply

Jill: Roy’s the only one that replies

Roy: Thank you

Jill: And if he says half 10 I’m sitting there from 9

Roy: No point, no point having millions in the bank, this is, this is not success in life, you know people go I’ve made a fortune but if you can’t time get find a time for your friends and family forget about it

Ian: It’s not about money with Gary, he just can’t stop himself, he’s on the wheel, he’s like a hamster

Roy: That’s not success

Jill to Gary: Do you have like a retirement plan, are you’re going to just chill from like 60, you could never retire…

Watch the YouTube video in full at the top of the article

Twitter users reacted after Gary Neville reveals Roy Keane’s X-rated text messages and Keano gets praised for giving life advice…

@UTDgeezer: Roy is spot on. Gary is so guilty 😂😂😂😂

@bishopsblazer: Roy Keane the ultimate people’s person 😂

@tomant3000: He’s right…….but don’t approach him and definitely don’t ask for a selfie! 😂

@onecrapguy: Roy is 100% my kind of person. Aside from being one of the best midfielders & captains to ever play in the Premier League he also seems to just be a stand up guy!

@nyc_2015_: Work to live Gary, not live to work!

@HamImages: I’ve never understood the mentality of amassing huge wealth and then continuing to work work work.

@kylejamesfrazer: I ignored my wife whilst watching this.

@GJHeidler: I absolutely love Wrighty just weighing in and goading him further too 🤣 preach Roy!

@mattgoddard3: Roy Keane becoming this mellow fountain of wisdom was not what I foresaw 10 years ago lol

@DanJS9: Just need to get those millions in the bank and I’m set

@ElliotBradbury1: Him and Wrighty are so clear of any other pundits on TV it’s actually mildly comical. Neville can be alright, at times. Carragher is horrific to watch. Biased, bitter, and unbearable le. Shearer, Richards & Lineker are numbing. Keane and Wright are clear johnny

@turner42671: He is one of the most genuine people on tv….what you see is what you get, regardless of whether u agree or not

@calvinmccormac2: Love it when Jill says, ‘ if Roy asks me to meet at 10.30, I’m sitting there waiting at 9am’. A colleague but clearly a massive fan of Roy too.

@wayne3078: Roy Keane is becoming a spiritual guru… excellent advice and @GNev2 would do well to listen or he’ll be the richest man in the graveyard. Love Gary’s work ethic but a work/life balance has to be met….

@wayne3078: Also can you imagine this type of guy with type of friendship then leading you onto the field to battle. You can see why his fellow team mates loved him. They seen this side to Roy that as a player we fans didn’t get to see. It’s why he’s so respected by those who played with him

@leeroy_acko1: Roy Keane is probably one of the only people I’d listen to on these High Performance style podcasts and probably the least likely to actually do one

@Sipho_Mudau: This is facts. I remember a recent tweet where someone said a big part of maintaining adult friendships is just showing up to things.

@Susanefc09: He’s so right.

@webbysj5: Spot on Roy

@Mr_Jay_T_: In life sometimes people are just tuned like Gary. Busy and business minded, innovative and want to make money. Keane earned his money, is content, is enjoying life and knows how to have balance.

@FrazzleGazzle: He’s a former client of one of my old employers and yeah wasn’t the same persona shown then. I guess you don’t get to own half of Manchester if you ‘waste time’ on people. I’m definitely more on Roy’s side of thinking. Nobody on their deathbed wishes they worked more.

@millnard: He’s some boy roy proper geezer

@SteveFraser2023: Another golden nugget from Roy.

@A_GymGuy: Great advice you know. Yes he’s having banter but in life chasing money or success or whatever it is comes at a cost. You never get time back. Choose what you do with your time wisely

@dipsMUFC: Be more like Roy Keane ♥️

@markdel99: Had a bad reputation Keano through the years.. This stick to football series has shown he’s probably one of the best humans on the planet. His morals are top notch. Some bloke ❤️

@Ramma_____: Brilliant advice from Keano, there’s a lot of rich men in the graveyard who have never been anywhere, done anything or laughed with their pals

@MattyHenno: Spot on this

@JoshToomey: Roy Keane was one of the reasons I fell in love with United, for him as a player. As I’ve got older, I’ve realised (from what you see on social media albeit) that he’s a man who stands on his principles and standards 👏

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