American TikToker KJordy, currently living in the UK, shares his experience of going to a non league match for the first time in his life.
He popped along to watch Hanwell Town take on Tiverton Town in the Southern League – Premier South (7th tier) on Saturday the 18th of January 2025, with it ending in a 1-1 draw, attended by 241 fans.
KJordy describes himself as “a meer Yank amongst Brits. I just wanna know what the public thinks and catch a vibe who vlogs, street interviews and all things culture 🌝”
@kjordyyyGenuinely didn’t know what to expect 😂 safe to say it exceeded expectations and more 😁♬ original sound – Kjordy
He starts the video by saying: “So many of my friends have told me I have not experienced football until I’ve watched lower league football but today I’m on a side quest to watch Hanwell Town, I’ve seen the big matches but now it’s time to experience local football today is the day I become a propa geezer. I got quite the journey to the stadium I will see yall soon.”
“I just got here look at this man they’re facing Tiverton Town FC, some of these names in the UK you just you can’t make up bro.”
“Hame is about to start got the court side seats had to get a cheeky pint”
He meets an elderly gentleman, has a nice conversation with him, then chats to some kids.
KJordy: “I’m with the young lads, what’s the beauty in non league football?
Kid: “It has everything. Best team in London best team.”
KJordy: “Best team in London?!”
Kid: We live here, we’re born and bred, we love the fans, we love the stadium and we love Hanwell.”
KJordy watches the game for a bit, then talks about the food: “Well my friend Oliver told me this cake is very English, what’s the name of this cake?”
Oliver says: “I don’t know in it. It’s acquired taste. t
KJordy replied: 2/10
He ends the video by saying: “I can’t describe how much charm the stadium has, in these small towns you can tell it’s more than just football, it’s it’s more of a community, great sportsmanship, 10 out 10 experience and I will be going to another non league game.
Social media users gave their reaction as the American living in the UK shares his experience of going to a non league match for the first time…
Dav: Fair play to the youngsters 👍
reuben11: Those kids u interviewed were so cool proper passion and dedication.
Lcyyylk58584: Courtside seats 😂
phillymac: it’s something America will never understand. This is why football means so much , it’s your parish or local team & it’s the history.
Jessica-Jayne: Great that you went. Honestly you have no idea how much going to small clubs like this does for them. Ticket and food money goes a long way in the lower leagues
forrest reeves: The kid gave a speech like a grown man
carrie_fisher1: Love that you are experiencing all of the UK
Ace Boogie 33Xx: Wish we had this in the US. Imagine every town having a club in the US and people actually supporting it and not just the closest top flight team.
ghost111335: Watch Dulwich Hamlet at home the atmosphere is amazing
justcatchit: Clubs run by volunteers, knowing your ticket money might actually make a difference. Non league over league football any day
bowie: You should go to a derby not like a big team one maybe like Cardiff vs Swansea 😂 those fans are wild from experience
lauramsears: My dad’s a coach at Barking FC, the passion these lower league teams have is unrivalled ✨
Reggie Cash 💰: It’s great to see young kids supporting their local non-league team. It’s what keeps these clubs going 🙌🏾
Joe.g.lfc7: Go to watch a league one or championship match
Side Quest Dad: Enjoyed the way you put this together bro!
Thorlikesdragons: The way you said geeza was spot on 👍
Big Donnie: This videos the most views hanwell town have ever had big ups 💪🏼
RachelMcFarlane: The fact that you’re playing The Proclaimers…🤣🙈
georgiegreen12: ahh hanwell i grew up there 🥰
WrestleWatchUK: It’s an acquired taste 🤣 class
ElizHol: ha I was born in Tiverton, known locally as Tivvy. They won a non league cup final at Wembley about 25 years ago – great day out!
Fraggle: I liked it when you said you were off to watch non league 👏👏👏
Enrique Jamal — Lifestyle: Definitely want to do this now. Was weak when said that he didn’t know the name of the cake and it’s an acquired taste
kieronreed: Proper football
supa⭐️: ‘It’s an acquired taste’🤣🤣🤣😭
Cullin.Roux: This brings me joy
bruhman: I’m a Hanwell fan now I guess
Olivia 🇬🇧🇪🇺: Brilliant! Lower league and non league football can be really brutal. The support is passionate, I’d thoroughly recommend it for a good sense of community
Eddie: It’s good to see to compare the grass-roots experience to the full-corporate experience to understand why a lot of fans believe the Premier League is losing the soul of the game. The community etc.
Raquel: Best team in London 😂 the kids need their own show. adorable.
Sam M: As an American, I’d love to be able to see non league football. I’d have season tickets for sure.
waswhowhat: My grandad used to volunteer at our local football club selling programmes… just like your pub video. All about community. Loving your content btw x
Kirsty Bateman Foley: Visit a Sunday league team it’s a different vibe 😂
nae botha: My retired dad supports our local Leicestershire team every week! It’s such a great community, he chats with everyone, it a very social event… which is something lacking in society now.
chiggyboy77: love that you’ve experienced this!
ynottony8888: This is an awesome series. new local club each week. keep it going
gmorg: Loved this, never heard of Hanwell but will be looking out for them now, maybe for your next game try a Hanwell away game on a supporters coach
Travelsalty: Great video, just some advice, ‘corner’ is perfectly acceptable to say, no need to add ‘kick’ to the end of the it.
Sarzza6410: Love this so much! 🥰
Shivers: I love your vibe. Thank you for reflecting my country to me with such appreciation and charm 😍
Stacebeans: they really talk like that 😂😂
Shaun Wilson23: The best experiences i had in the UK were going to my local non league team. You meet the best people and have the greatest times
Francisco Vargas: I love how uk fans in it for the game, no big names and meanwhile in the states, this would never exist cause it is not profitable…
MrsC: ok you’re British now. Legend.
tommy_rizo: this is what America needs but with American football. imagine all the guys would want to play
sam wilson: glad you enjoyed it. seeing these small teams is special
Alex Irons: One of my locals, good choice!
Chris: That’s seems so much fun… adding it to my bucket list!!!
J.D. Gaddis: non-league is electric. Spurs always for the Prem, but the lower levels are just so special
MasonsTractor: great content 💪
topcornertalk: This is great, man! I’d love to experience this as well. From one American fan to another – keep it up! 🤙🏼⚽️

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