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Viewers slam Adil Ray for mocking Paul Gascoigne in live interview on Good Morning Britain

Viewers have chosen to slam ‘nasty’ Adil Ray for mocking Paul Gascoigne live in a interview on Good Morning Britain on Wednesday.

The former England footballer was on the show to share his experiences picked up from being on the Italian version of I’m A Celebrity, which is still ongoing.

Gazza had to walk from the gameshow on day 39, based at Cayo Cochinos in Honduras for this year, due to picking up an injury.

As he spoke with the presenters of ITV’s Good Morning Britain, he revealed how he was getting on since departing from the island.

He was also proudly showing off how well he was able to speak Italian, stating a few quotes on air before footage of his time on L’Isola dei Famosi was shown to viewers, one of his doing a task, another of him having to pop him shoulder back in place, and a third of him lying down naked.

After speaking in the foreign language, Adil Ray could be heard telling the ex-Premier League player: “You’ve done well to hold on to your Italian … it was a long time ago and you’ve had a few tipples since then.”

That comment was quickly picked out and slated online with many taking aim at the GMB presenter for what he had just said. Fair to say it was a joke that didn’t land well. Gazza brushed it off as if it was nothing.

@CampfieldCarl: Apologised for Gazza saying shit. But nothing from Adil for saying to Gazza “how did you remember Italian considering you’ve had a few tipples since being in Lazio”.

@kelky75264997: The man is a twat Gaza doing well and good on him for ignoring the comment

@twi77erazzi: Is @adilray’s default setting to be a dickhead? Saying ‘You’ve had a few tipples since then’ to describe a guys fight with alcoholism is despicable, He has more talent in his little toe than you’ll ever have. Someone who made his career doing Asian Blackface for a white audience!

@tighabhinn: Adil Ray to Gazza: “You’ve had a few ‘tipples’ since you were at Lazio ” (Just shows what a crass nasty guy he is) #GMB

@MrRew9: Sycophantic bullshit of the highest order and why mention the tipples. Supercilious tw*ts.

@Jools_Orca: Adil loves himself and comes across as an arrogant and unlikeable individual. Not surprised by his rudeness here

@anne49309634: Adil ray just can’t help himself with sticking the knife in what about Noel Clarke no mention of him GMB

@DebsLouK: Did Adil Ray just express surprise to Gazza that his cognitive function was still intact after years of alcoholism? How bloody rude. @GMB

@cally_23: This Adil ray is a right piece of shit. Joking that gazza still knows his Italian despite having had a few tipples and Andy peters is going to do this bit in patwa. What a prick.

@lindsayLG1984: I find Adil so rude, unfunny and patronising #GMBIn other news, Gazza is looking and sounding the best I’ve seen him

@MonaghanCalum: Adil, what a c*nt saying that to gazza

@mouseymitch: Wow a new low even from Adil right there about Gazza having a drink. Vile #GMB

@danielwynne_: Totally unnecessary dig by @adilrayon @GMB to Gazza.“You’ve done well to hold on to your Italian ……it was a long time ago and you’ve had a few tipples since then” The man has an illness and to laugh it off like that is poor form. Adil is embarrassing himself.

@deljohnston: Adil comments to Gazza there were shocking. Few times over the weeks he’s made snidey comments to people thinking he’s funny. Get him off, smarmy tool. Tying too hard to be controversial to fit in Pierces roll. The guys just unbearable to watch.

@Visualiser1: Despicable, flippant thing to say from @adilray and think @GMB should offer an apology.

@InBFenby: Shameful that #adilray mentioned drinking in first words out of his mouth to #paulgascoigne #GMB

@POSH_Rob: Disappointed at @adilray’s comment on GMB this morning regarding the fact that Paul Gascoigne sunbathed naked whilst on Italian reality TV show. Shows a narrow-minded view of naturism/nudism.

@ZatBritGirl: What has #GMB got against people recovering from #addiction? @adilray chuckling that Gazza has had a few tipples since playing in Italy… smh

Whilst some viewers slam ‘nasty’ Adil Ray for mocking Paul Gascoigne in live interview on Good Morning Britain, others thought it was refreshing to see him looking healthy and well…

@AndyBuchanan72: Great to see the legend looking well

@FoodFanaticJax: Lovely to see Gazza looking so healthy and well #GMB Still cant understand him though.

@Shugs1975: Gazza on gmtv. Not just looking the best he has in years, but sounds better than he has in years

@Rich__1977: Gazza looking well on this morning Britian this morning, regardless of your opinions of the guy it’s nice to see him looking to be on top of his demons ATM

@LiamFan93373922: Gazza is more fluent in italian than English #gmb #howay #legend

@Angelacoulter20: I could understand you canny lad xx

@SuePeace1: Great to see Gazza looking so well @GMB

@theseaside100: Gazza looks a lot less gaunt these days, good to see. #GMB

Adil Ray was forced to apologise after Paul Gascoigne swore live on-air.

Gazza let slip during the interview via video link, as he was discussing his shoulder injury on ‘Celebrity Island’ – which has been dubbed the Italian version of I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here.

“I felt my shoulder go, and I thought sh*t, just pop the ball back in and I’ll be okay,” Paul explained as he described one of the trials he was set to compete in.

Adil jumped in to say: “Before we carry on Gazza, I’m gonna apologise on your behalf. A bit of foul language we heard there, I know it was purely accidental on your part.”

“Oh, that’s nothing!” Paul interjected.

Adil had to quickly say: “All right, easy! Easy, easy!”

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As the presenters moved swiftly on to discuss Gazza’s legendary naked sunbathing, Susanna was seen laughing: “We had to censor that as well!”

While completing an assault course along with his teammates, Paul was seen gripping his arm in apparent agony, as someone asked: “What’s happened to Paul, he looks in trouble?”

At the time, presenter Massimiliano Rosolino told viewers: “He hurt his shoulder. The doctor is there and he helped him right away. I don’t know how he is but we have an extraordinary team.”

And later it was confirmed that Paul was “with the medics” but “not seriously hurt”.

Later in the interview, Susanna want to know if Gazza had his sights set on the UK version of I’m a Celeb, something he was previously rejected from entering.

“You would be fantastic on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here. Is that the obvious next thing to do for you?” she said to him.

“Well, I know Harry [Redknapp] did fantastic out there,” Paul added. “But obviously I suffer a little bit from claustrophobia and snakes – I’m not too scared about flying now after the helicopter flight. I’ve had a few interviews now for that show.

“It’s something I would look forward to doing,” he said. “But I’ll leave that to my manager!”

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