The latest offering from the Two Men in Search of the Beautiful Game, written by Daniel Magner.
It’s amazing what a bit of traffic can do to your mental health. I say a bit, its pretty constant as we make the not very far journey from North London to Surrey. One woman creeps along next to us filing her nails, the other side of us and thankfully not driving a woman has fallen asleep in a less than flattering pose and Tom amuses himself by gawking at her very public misfortune.
“Not for sharing” snaps Tom, as I attempt to help myself to a couple of his M & M’s from their yellow bag. A mainstay of any of our trips, I was excited when I saw the garish packet at the top of his rucksack, but Tom is clearly not in a generous mood.
Prenups and probate occupy us for a big chunk of the drive, and you’ll be glad to hear there is no more FIFA chat, instead we discuss the imminent release of Red Dead Redemption Two and the fact I was so engrossed in the new Call Of Duty, I probably could have pulled a sickie and stayed at home tonight, had it not been for the magnitude of tonight’s match.
Things take a very funny turn when Tom somewhat out of nowhere, starts contemplating the state that Toy R Us mascot Geoffrey currently finds himself in. What does a once world wide icon of the late 80’s/90’s, now unemployed giraffe do with himself now the company he so dutifully served, is defunct. “I used to be on top of the world” says Tom, trying to imagine what poor old Geoffrey is going through.
The FA Cup at it’s best, a night that confirmed it as my absolutely favourite cup competition…
Read the full account of the Two Men in Search of the Beautiful Game’s time at Fetcham Grove here –
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