Since the decision, football fans took to the club’s social media account to give their angry reaction to the late postponement as well as sympathise with the travelling fans…
Make your mind up then all the Chelmsford fans are down here already
— JB (@tufcJake) March 5, 2019
Yet not a word from the club about a possible inspection all day.
— Barnaby Nickels (@barnabynickels) March 5, 2019
It is what it is, but absymal communication. No warning. Nothing. Good job the opposition use social media. I'm always supportive of the club, but this is poor communication.
— Chris Wade (@ChrisWa29068639) March 5, 2019
Nice early notice!!!!! ?????
— lloyd goodall (@goody2449) March 5, 2019
Our social media is so poor! Not even mention of pitch inspection, yet Chelmsford all over it. Game off all over Facebook etc before our official sites.
— Bovine (@MichealHodgson) March 5, 2019
The huge amount of criticising continued with some suggesting Torquay should reimburse the Chelmsford City fans…
How about reimbursing all Chelmsford supporters who made the journey #tinpot
— Adam (@adamctp14) March 5, 2019
Should of been called off sooner sooner
— martin james ashley (@martin1134) March 5, 2019
Surely you could give more than an hour’s notice?
— William Bewsey (@WilliamBewsey) March 5, 2019
Disgraceful, it isn’t what it is. It’s a very poorly run and organised football club and they should be heavily penalised for leaving under 2 hours notice. Let’s hope you don’t go up, saves you the embarrassment when you welcome Gateshead to a swamp
— GedRoberts. (@TheGedmond) March 5, 2019
An hour and a quarter before kick off. That is terrible on the clubs part. What about the traveling support. Hope you reimburse them given the weather and what is to come.
— Paul Kent (@paulkent82) March 5, 2019

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