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Tamplin puts Billericay up for sale after being accused of ‘snorting cocaine’

It has been confirmed that Billericay Town owner Glenn Tamplin has surprisingly put the club up for sale after being accused of ‘snorting cocaine.’

He was made aware of the claims following the defeat to National League South league leaders Woking on Saturday. Some have called for him to undergo drug tests (like one from https://www.countrywidetesting.com/collections/cocaine-coc-drug-tests) to prove if he is clean.

Police initially approached him with the accusation in the stadium and again in the car with his children.

Tamplin asked for his audio recording of a policeman talking to him to be put on Billericay’s Twitter feed, which you can listen to below…

He released a statement that read: ‘It is with deep regret that I have no choice but to cut my ties with Billericay Town Football Club. The club is now up for sale with immediate effect.

It was this post-match interview that also made fans think he was ‘off his face’…

Tamplin said to the Echo: ‘They told me they had received a report that I had been snorting drugs in the public toilets. I asked to be tested and they said they didn’t have the test kits with them, I was then told I might be pulled over.

‘I was pulled over 15 minutes later and to be asked if you have been taking drugs in front of your five-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son is not something I am willing to put my children through. Not for football.’


An official statement from the 48-year-old reads: ‘It is with deep regret that I have no choice but to cut my ties with Billericay Town Football Club. The club is now up for sale with immediate effect.

‘I can take the personal abuse but now it has started to affect my health and my family. For me it has now crossed the line.

‘When I initially bought the club, my intentions were always to leave a lasting legacy for the people of Billericay to have a great community club to be proud of, and I hope that when the people of Billericay look back they can see that I have achieved some of the intentions I set out to achieve with the club.

‘For me the final nail in the coffin was yesterday at the Woking game where I was informed at the ground, after the match, that the police wanted to talk to me regarding a complaint from a fan that that I had been using cocaine. After speaking to the police they were satisfied that the complaint was unfounded, although angry and upset I felt that was the end of the matter.

‘However, 20 minutes after I had left I was pulled over by the police. Bizarrely I was once again questioned regarding the complaint. This lead to my two young children who were with me becoming absolutely terrified and in floods of tears in the back of my car. Again, after assisting the police in every way possible I was again allowed to continue my journey home.

‘This I hope goes some way to clarify the social media backlash I received from people, including Billericay fans, after my national league post-match interview with comments regarding me being ‘off my face’ etc

‘My last actions will be to find suitable investors that will be able to run the Billericay Town and also to try my hardest to reinstate Harry Wheeler as manager of this great club.

‘Thank you to all the fans that have stuck by me through thick and thin I will look back at the treble winning season with fond memories of a momentous time in the clubs history.’


Since the video and news of his departure came out, he has received plenty of support, however there were some who mocked him for having to sell up – check out those tweets on the next page.


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