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Sacked Charlton and Millwall player now makes £500k from raunchy OnlyFans content

Sacked Charlton Women and Millwall Lionesses player Madelene Wright now makes around £500k from her raunchy OnlyFans content.

The 23-year-old says she was left devastated after photos emerged of the blonde beauty inhaling from a balloon at a party and swigging champagne while at the wheel of her Range Rover on a night out with friends in 2019.

But, through a twist of fate, the scandal put her in the public eye and now she has a career in social media influencing if that’s what they call it these days. A lot of OnlyFans Agencies use https://onlymonster.ai/agencies to build something bigger.

Now, her Instagram followers have risen to over 250,000 followers, brands are queuing up for a piece of her, and she lives an envious lifestyle travelling around the globe in luxury.

Last year, Madelene surprised her fans with the decision to sign up to OnlyFans – a website that allows content makers to monetise images and videos from subscribing followers.

She has earned £500,000 since joining the controversial site – more than any pro footballer in the women’s game today.

And Maddie remains hopeful she can return to life as a professional footballer, a year after she was sacked from her previous club.

In December 2020, Snapchat videos showed her inhaling balloons at a party and drinking from a champagne bottle in her Range Rover Evoque.

The League One outfit’s womens outfit launched an investigation that resulted in letting her go.

Wright received a phone call from her team manager, who told her what was coming, before the club chairman delivered the news he was cancelling her contract.

Recalling the incident, Madelene told SunSport: “I was young, I was messing around with friends, and I didn’t really understand the position I was in and responsibility I had.

“I loved Charlton, my coaches and team mates so the decision left me heartbroken.

“When you play for a football team, they become your family so to step away from that was hard.

“After I was sacked, I started thinking if I would be able to play football again, what level I’d be able to play, and will other teams want me at their club.

“When it all happened, I also understood how many people I had let down.

“I used to coach at a young girls’ academy and the kids looked up to me and always asked me for advice.

“I felt guilty, embarrassed and disappointed in myself that I showed myself in that light.”

Madelene Wright starts her own OnlyFans page after being sacked by Charlton  for 'swigging champagne while driving'

From 20,000 followers during her playing days at Charlton to her being in the news for the wrong reasons, she soon saw her popularity on Instagram rise and now has 261,000 followers.

Clothing brands and swimsuit companies got in touch.

Madelene revealed: “With what happened, it did open up a lot of doors for me in other industries.

“And It happened very quickly, a lot of brands started getting in touch.

“A couple of clothing brands, bikini companies, and some sports companies wanted to work with me.

“One company even offered me a football boot deal.

“It was almost like one career had ended, while another one was just beginning.”

But, despite many wishing her well for the future and criticising her for doing OnlyFans, she also had to deal with online trolls.

“I had a lot of hate on social media from people telling me I should be ashamed of what I did and I’ll never be a footballer again,” she said.

“It wasn’t nice. I am a strong person and tend not to let things bother me, but I admit it did have an affect on me.

“All I could think was that everyone in the football world hated me.

“After time, I just learned to ignore the horrible comments and messages I was getting and now I don’t read them.”

While Instagram provided Madelene with a platform to showcase her personality and good looks, it has also given the Londoner an opportunity to monetise her popularity.

She provides content that tantalises fans – with photos and videos wearing bikinis, football tops and lingerie, seen as a harmless bit of fun.

However, Madelene had reservations in joining OnlyFans which had developed a reputation for showing pornography and allegedly allowing prostitutes to solicit sex.

“My main reason not to do it was the reputation it had,” Wright explained. “I didn’t want to be associated with that kind of thing.

“But when you weigh up the pros and cons, and after doing it for a full year, I know I made the right decision.

“It was and still is a concern for me because I don’t want people getting that kind of perception about me.”

Financially, it has done Wright a lot of good and it’s changed her life.

“In the first year I made in the ballpark of half a million pounds,” Wright divulged. “I can’t lie, it has completely changed my life.

“I was able to get my own place, I have been able to travel the world and have enjoyed a lot of luxurious things.”

Despite money rolling in, Wright doesn’t see her being on OnlyFans for much longer it seems. Eventually, she thinks it will be a stepping stone to greater things.

“I want to start my own business and became an entrepreneur and step away from the stereotype and be looked at as a business woman,” she said.

“The main thing for me is to get into property, which is something I’ve always wanted to do since I was a footballer. I want to build an empire.

“For me, I think it is important for everyone to realise that you can start again.

“When my scandal happened I thought that was it and I didn’t know how I was going to move past it.

“But, there’s always a new day and always a fresh start. Everyone has a past, you can’t change it.

“As long as you learn from your mistakes, make the right moves going forward, there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Fans reacted as the sacked Charlton and Millwall player now makes around £500k from posting raunchy OnlyFans content…

Daniel Pozzo: I still don’t get why blokes fork out for this. Pathetic.

Bobby Corker: see thats how women earn the same money as men in football, they flash their tuna tacco 🤣

Paul GN: I’m sure her parents are extremely proud, thats the issue with the world today kids are taught on social media and youtube there is no need to get a job just create ‘content’ get famous and get your bits out… stop the world I want to get of

Paul Davies: I’m more shocked that people would pay £24 a month tbh.

Lee SidePartin Armstrong: Why the hell would you pay to watch that it makes zero sense there is cheaper options 🤣

Luke Boogle Ayres” Regardless of the money anyone who has an only fans is a disgrace and should be ashamed of themselves and I feel sorry mostly for the parents but also for the next generation growing up thinking it’s normal. Anyone on only fans is like dog shite just waiting to be picked up and then put in the bin

Paul Taylor: Why do people pay for only fans? There is plenty of free porn out there.

Marky Ingram: Inspirational

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