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Promising Aston Villa player stabbed in Solihull park

Promising Aston Villa player Bradley Young has been stabbed in a park based in Solihull on Friday evening according to reports.

The 17-year-old, was treated at the scene before being taken to hospital after getting attacked.

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It happened near football pitches at Elmdon Park just before 9:30pm. West Midlands Police confirmed his injuries weren’t life-threatening and he is now recovery.

Police added that three people were arrested and have been released on bail until later this month.

A statement was issued over the weekend saying that “a man aged 24 has been arrested on suspicion of wounding and drugs possession, while two others, a man and a woman, have been held on suspicion of wounding”.

It is not known what was the motive for the attack, which the Premier League club are aware of.

Local residents wrote on Facebook about seeing ambulances and a police presence.

Anyone with information has been asked to contact Birmingham Mail via Live Chat at www.west-midlands.police.uk, via 101, or via Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, quoting log 4209 of 29 May.

Fans have reacted after learning of the promising Aston Villa player being stabbed in Solihull park…


Jude Stevenson: This young man is an Academy player at the Villa. My prayers and best wishes go out to him and his family. Get well soon xxx

Laura McCarthy: Thinking of the young man and his family at this very difficult time and wishing him a speedy recovery.

Ellie Lewis: A credit to West Midlands Police and ambulance service for their prompt response and attendance

Mandy Fleetwood: Makes me sick . Should be charged with attempted murder. Hope the lad who was stabbed is ok

Bob Kilsby: There are some real arseholes out there, the minimum sentence should be 5 years with no remission for carrying a knife.

Mi Chelle: There is only one way to deal with this constant daily bull&&it….. longer jail time! There is no longer any deterrent. Bring back borstals because enough is enough ?

Lee Hanlon: Some right scum about

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