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Police officer used derogatory term to describe Celtic fans in post after Rangers title win

A serving police officer used a derogatory term to describe Celtic fans in a post after Rangers secured their Scottish Premiership title win.

Detective sergeant Craig Melrose ended up getting a dressing down by his bosses after referring to the supporters as “puddle drinkers”.

He was also given a dressing down for discussing a live investigation on Twitter, in the wake of the Rangers title celebrations.

Despite Glasgow being in Covid Tier 4 at the time, Melrose was openly posting how “Saturday is going to be something else”.

He later wrote: “Fantastic the man the puddle drinkers love to hate wins the FA cup final and the famous Rangers FC win 55 what a day.”

A source said: “He was making no effort to hide his views which weren’t exactly bigoted but still using derogatory terms to describe rival fans is not the behaviour you would expect from a senior cop.”

As police were investigating an alleged video of Rangers players using sectarian language, no action handed out in the end, Melrose commented on the incident in reference to then Justice Secretary Humza Yousa, who spoke out about the video on his Twitter account.

He said: “Exactly no matter that the video as we know has been dubbed, the damage is done.

“They know exactly what they are doing and have even stopped trying to hide it.”

The source added: “He is entitled to support whatever team he wants but he needs to mind his language.”

A Police spokesman said: “Inquiries were carried out and appropriate advice was given.

“The matter is closed.”

Meanwhile, a woman has been arrested and charged following the chaotic Rangers fans celebrations in Glasgow earlier this month.

The 21-year-old was taken away after police released CCTV images of people they wanted to speak to.

Last week, reports emerged on how police had released CCTV images of 17 people officers wanted to speak to following the chaotic scenes.

Police confirmed a woman, aged 21, has been arrested and charged following the appeal.

A report will be sent to the procurator fiscal.

Riot police were sent in to George Square to clear the fans from the square after cops were granted a Section 14 order.

A number of cops were injured in the chaos and Police Scotland vowed to track down those allegedly responsible for the disorder.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “A 21-year-old woman has been arrested and charged and will be the subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal following the large scale disturbance at George Square on Saturday, 15 May, 2021.”

At least 31 people have now been arrested as 47 officers were injured during the large gathering, with a further 29 near misses.

Twitter reacted after seeing that a police officer used derogatory term to describe Celtic fans in a social media post after the Rangers title win

@DavidGJohnston0: Wait a minute. A serving police officer is rapped with comments about rival football fans and commenting about an open case. Isn’t this exactly what the Justice Sec done at the time but he’s in a position of power and by the time he made the comments the video was discredited.

@CBlack88: I’m no detective sergeant but how can they prove without reasonable doubt which they have to have that his use of the term puddle drinkers means Celtic Man shrugging

@dagzmac55: Truth hurts some people though

@bigscunny: Oh the irony

@Gedi671: it’s exactly the behaviour we expect from police Scotland

@Glasgow_Bear1: Puddle drinkers 🤣 folk need to lighten up a bit ffs

@cs009d4735: ACAB Regardless of his football allegiance ACAB

@martin55luthor: Only a bit of fun. POLICE SCOTLAND-GROW UP.

@Scf65Forbes: @policescotland treating women with chalk, stickers and ribbons like terrorists, yet here is their own standards

John Cameron MacKenzie: We expect a certain standard and some basic wisdom from our public servants. He lacks – or his training has not been effective.

Stevie Hughes: Suppose it’s understandable the hurt n pain he’s had to endure year after year. Let him keep his job it’s a bit of banter

Paul Newlands: That’s why I have no faith in the police just being honest no wonder the country is in the state it is in

David Ohanlon: He’s finished , anybody and everybody he comes into contact with will now be a Celtic fan claiming he’s bigoted . He can’t even direct traffic because they don’t do that any more . Career over and they claim he’s that intelligent he has become a detective sergeant , thick as sh.t

George Allan: He should be allowed to voice an opinion let’s face it snowflakes everywhere can nobody thake a joke but it’s alright for certain politicians to say what they like

Wilma Wilson Cuthill: Get a grip for heaven’s sake !!!!

Brendan Holland: Police scotland, no sense of humour since 2013 😂

John Malone: So it seems Celtic fans get upset at, Hand Gestures from Kent & Alfie. TikTok Videos. Name calling 😂😂😂.. Wanting the polis man sacked when Celtic Supporting MSPs can say what they want about Rangers. The same fans that hung effigies from the top tier during national suicide week and a dig at Kris Boyds brother.. ok then 🤔🤔

Brian Cruickshanks: Not all cops are bad then lol

Aaron Clyde: That’s absolutely disgusting. I seriously hope that man is punished by receiving an immediate 30 day ban from Facebook 😤

John Mckenna: Did we really expect anything else from police Scotland bigoted to the core

Stuart Miller: Are police not allowed to support a football team or engage in some banter …….. get a life …. or ask your mummy for a cuddle…… wokes

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