An investigation has been launched after a Notts County fan gets ‘forced’ onto the wrong train at Grimsby Town Train Station.
The incident, which took place on Saturday the 30th of October 2021 at around 6pm, following Grimsby Town’s home match to Notts County.
The Mariners fell to a defeat, and Notts County fans were eager to get home to Nottinghamshire after the National League game to celebrate.
However, Josh Brewer said he saw fans placed onto a train by British Transport Police which was heading for Sheffield – despite having a ticket for Nottingham.
@NottsPolMagpies @LincsPolice forcing people onto the wrong trains, how do i make a formal complaint about this?
— J (@JB413561) October 30, 2021
The interaction, which was captured on video, as seen above, can hear a fan say “I’ve got a ticket for the next train.”
The Notts County fan, said: “It was surreal. I’ve followed Notts County for 15 years and never seen anything like it.
“This was at Grimsby Town Railway Station. Notts County fans got onto the train from Cleethorpes and they needed to get the train from Grimsby to Nottingham.
“The train they were currently on was going to Manchester via Sheffield.
“Two BTP police officers eventually got onto the carriage. The officers couldn’t answer any questions as to why they were even there.”
Josh feels the situation wasn’t handled right by the British Transport Police.
“If this has happened to me, I would be seriously unhappy.
“The fact of the matter is, it’s then taken Notts County fans double the amount of time to get back to Nottingham for absolutely no reason.
“Fair play to the fans involved who were well behaved at the station and were the only ones trying to keep the peace. I feel this was a needless incident.”
A British Transport Police spokesperson said: “We are aware of a video which shows BTP officers interacting with passengers at Grimsby station on Saturday evening.
We have not yet received any formal complaints to the force regarding this but the video has now been shared with senior officers to review.”
Another short video of Saturday, can clearly see a man attempting to show officers his tickets and still put on the wrong train.
— J (@JB413561) November 1, 2021
Twitter users have since reacted after a Notts County fan gets ‘forced’ onto the wrong train at Grimsby Train Station…
@ChrisParkerNo6: Needs looking into but I think you need Humberside Police @Humberbeat as they cover Grimsby NOT @LincsPolice
@GrimTim_GTID: It was farcical Chris. I was on the train in question. The Cleethorpes to Manchester service.They delayed the departure to put Notts fans on board a train not going to where they wanted to travel & then took them off at Barnetby. Totally incoherent approach by @humberbeat
@FredLeopard: As this was on a station, your complaint should be directed to @btp in the first instance. I can’t see the officer’s police number in this footage but they should be able to match the officer to the footage. It is important to do as fans can end up with excess ticket costs/fines
@Real_ScottyLou: I had similar a couple of weeks ago at Lincoln, they refused to let us get on a train telling us it was full up even though it wasn’t at all and made us get one an hour later meaning missed our connection at Newark coming back from watching Charlton.
@DN35GTFC: Not to mention it’s pretty obvious what train people for Nottingham will want. That’s disgraceful.
thanks richard – was such a bizarre situation, no animosity between the two sets of fans on that train at all
— jacob (@jacobncm) November 1, 2021
@GrimTim_GTID: I was on the 17:26 from Cleethorpes. The way the train was delayed was beyond a joke. You’ll be lucky if you get an explanation from @Humberbeat though, even though as you say, you were put on to the wrong train
@DPalmdog1: Shocking. @Humberbeat @BTP should be ashamed.
@DarrenChanner: Happened to me twice as a Pompey fan. Lived in Reading in 90’s and the police stopped me getting off at my home station as train full of Pompey fans on way home from match further North. Wanted me to stay on til Pompey despite drivers license with address on
@IanCook54728438: A few seasons back at a night game in Stoke trying to get back to station cop in car shouts come here walk over you Millwall I said yes get in why you’re train leaving in 9 minutes dropped me at station shouting your the last one, made me laugh Couple all the way home
@arranparker1: Similar thing happened on a train from Huddersfield a fair few years back, we were travelling back to Bradford and there were a few wanting to get off at brighouse as that’s where they lived, police wouldn’t let them off the train until we got to Leeds, they’re a shambles.
@MattWWoolwich: Disgraceful treatment.
@conj1991: The way football fans gets treated is actually a form of discrimination
@NottsCountyZone: Police once again treating football fans like criminals. Disgraceful.
@gaishey: Go sit in roads apparently they are kinder to you if you do this well they are down south they even ask if you are ok and rub your shoulders
@alexwest88: More power-hungry numpties. They forget they are there to protect and serve the public. What threat were these fans to anyone else? @LincsPolice need to investigate these
@DanWestwell: That is disgusting. Why do they feel the need to treat football fans like scum? Happens all the time.
@safetywatto: Shocking police behaviour & I say (again) why do we not see this type & level of policing against insulate Britain & their ilk, or are they too middle class? Remember you police with our consent… #pathetic
@LeeWHU88: Where is this energy from the police when it comes to people blocking our roads every day?
@AVFCCharlie: Football supporters, standing there waiting for the next train? Police force them on even if the train could be going in complete opposite direction.Insulate Britain Protesters break the law and obstruct motorways day in day out? Police don’t touch them let them continue 🧐🤨
@FFSChristie: While most things in football have come on 30 years the police still practice caveman tactics. Shoving anyone (football fans or not) onto a train is not acceptable
@Chris_BCAFC: A regular occurrence. The treatment of football fans by authorities would not be tolerated if inflicted on any other [generally] law abiding section of society.
@tfalex1892: This happened to me over a decade ago when needing to get back to Leeds after Boro away. Was forced, against my will, to get on a train to Newcastle in the opposite direction. Madness that it’s still happening today

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