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Mike Ashley criticised again after his latest controversial action on Newcastle fans

Mike Ashley criticised again after his latest controversial action on Newcastle fans during the tough times of the Coronavirus pandemic.

A number of supporters were charged for their next season ticket, despite the ongoing suspension to the Premier League.

It comes day after the owner of the Premier League side refused to all of his stores across the country after Boris Johnson’s speech on Monday evening.

After getting slammed by the public on social media, he then made a U-turn in complying with the government’s wish to close any shop that isn’t a supermarket or corner shop.

Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST) had called on the club to suspend the scheduled payments “during this incredibly difficult time”.

Some fans were charged £620 on Wednesday, they said, describing the situation as “incredibly disturbing”.

According to BBC Sport, Newcastle United declined to comment.

A statement from NUST claimed talks were held with the club on the subject this week.

They said: “Newcastle United contacted us earlier today. The club stated it has no intention of freezing or delaying payments, both for those that pay annually and monthly.

“We are in unprecedented times. Almost all of the work of the trust is on hold, all meetings and face-to-face contact suspended indefinitely.

“However, we must, and we will, continue to stand up for our members and the wider Newcastle United supporter base when we need to.

“Today, we need to. We call on Newcastle United to suspend all season-ticket renewals and all payments on future season tickets with immediate effect.”

“We all have to adjust to a new way of life and for many that means financial difficulty now and in the future.

“We therefore reiterate our call to Newcastle United to provide relief and support to its own supporters by suspending all season-ticket renewals and payments with immediate effect.

“Newcastle United can still act now and provide much needed support and relief for their fans that are in financial difficulty due to this global emergency.”

It is understood the supporters affected were warned in advance that payment would be taken, and that it was the usual payment schedule for those who are on the long-term, price-freeze package.

However some Premier League clubs including Brighton, have offered “payment holidays” for season ticket holders in order to ease the financial burden on their fans.

Newcastle fan Thomas Concannon, who has held a season ticket at St James’ Park for more than 20 years, told BBC Sport: “As a self employed person who is currently suddenly out of work due to the coronavirus crisis, the weeks and months ahead are likely to be extremely difficult.

“The thought of having to cancel my season ticket is devastating. I merely want the club to understand the situation of fans that really need help during this time.”

As mentioned, Mike Ashley was criticised again after his latest controversial action on Newcastle fans…

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