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Matt Le Tissier and Rickie Lambert go viral again leaving viewers baffled

Matt Le Tissier and Rickie Lambert go viral again leaving viewers rather baffled with their latest videos trending on Twitter.

Both uploaded a new profile picture too, a message which read: “I withdraw my consent to be governed by any corrupt, compromised, belligerent, criminal parliament or government. I will not comply.”

Matt Le Tissier tweets: “If you agree, please change your profile photo and post your own video saying exactly the same.

“The link is to a secure website with access to the important letter and information explaining our position.

“Please all send it by post to the Prime Minister and to your own local MP.” http://donotconsent.co.uk

Lambert meanwhile said: “If you agree please change your profile photo and post your own video saying exactly the same.”

SEE MORE: Rickie Lambert goes viral with bizarre video on ‘the great awakening’

A letter from the donotconsent.co.uk website reads:


The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.” – Universal Declaration on Human Rights

“Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.” – Jefferson Davis

The Seven Principles of public life. 

1. Selflessness: Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.

2. Integrity: Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.

3. Objectivity: Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.

4. Accountability: Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.

5. Openness: Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.

6. Honesty: Holders of public office should be truthful.

7. Leadership: Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour and treat others with respect. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.

To you my member of Parliament and also to the sitting Prime Minister, 

As is my fundamental right, due to your failures to honour your oath of office as a publicly paid servant of the people, I am withdrawing my consent, for you, to govern. You are dismissed from your position, and you should no longer receive a salary from the tax payer. You work for us, we the people pay you – you have clearly forgotten this.

You have put your own personal interests before ours, you have failed to uphold the law or respect the human rights of the people, you have blatantly disregarded “The Seven Nolan principles of public life,” you have allowed the wilful destruction of the economy of the United Kingdom, you have allowed unelected outside influence from private corporations including, The World Economic Forum, The World Health Organisation, The United Nations and various corrupted foundations. You have allowed profits before people and have fraudulently and criminally wasted our money. 

You have ignored my wishes and those of the people who employ and pay you. Many ministers have ignored emails, phone calls, letters, protests, liability orders, cease and desist orders. You have allowed the executive to instil a permanent state of fear onto the public, created an unmanageable and unsustainable cost of living crisis and allowed for the wilful and deliberate destruction of our NHS. You allowed for the well-being of every man, woman and child to be compromised and for the people of the United Kingdom to live with uncertainty and without hope. 

You have failed, you are no longer fit for purpose, you must resign your position. I do not consent to you receiving anymore public money. 

You must be replaced with a man or woman whose sole aim is for the betterment of society, to improve the lives of every man, woman and child in the United Kingdom.

You along with the rest of government for the United Kingdom have created nothing but poverty, fear, worry, stress, misery, slavery and massive debts for virtually every household. The pandemic was built on fear, lies, coercion and deception. The harm, injury and death caused by the vaccines are catastrophic: you are all aware yet you defend them and they continue to be administered regardless. 

While we were locked down and separated from our loved ones ministers and civil servants partied many times. We were openly and blatantly mocked and laughed at. One rule for us and another for you. This is completely unacceptable and serious crimes of Misconduct in public office had and continue to be committed.

I will not and do not accept the awful living conditions I am faced with because of the poor performance by ministers from all parties, their disgusting overreach and the wilful ignorance of the people’s wishes who employ and pay them. There is no credible opposition and it’s abundantly clear we need independent and local representation.

You are hereby being notified that I withdraw my consent, as is my fundamental right, to be governed by any corrupt, compromised, belligerent, criminal Parliament or Government. I will not comply but I will remain lawful and keep the peace.

This notice is from a very dissatisfied constituent. I am and I will continue to be an honourable member of the public. 


Oh, and here’s a new video doing the rounds of Lambert talking about water…

It in he says about ‘talking positively to one glass of water froze it and spoke negatively to another glass of water froze it’.

He then goes talks about crystals in the water. It’s all very strange… good luck making any sense of it!


Here’s what fans said as Matt Le Tissier and Rickie Lambert go viral again attempting to bring down the government…

@jfg96_: It comes to something when Rickie Lambert and Matt Le Tissier have posted those videos and somehow managed to come into the weekend without being the biggest idiots from the footballing world

@gaizka6: Good luck for anyone looking for tin foil, I believe that Rickie Lambert has got the entire UK supply wrapped around his head.

@JeffCarnage: Mad how Rickie Lambert can so easily disown the government, but I had to sit and watch him play for Liverpool. That’s the real scandal.

@xiwqy: What the fuck is Rickie Lambert waffling about?

@StevieC1983: What on earth is going on with Rickie Lambert?

@THEMACHOPEAS: Mitre footballs are no joke.. Delighted to announce that Rickie Lambert has joined my campaign alongside Matt Le Tissier to spread the message!

@nufcoliverr: Rickie lambert has come down with ex southampton striker disease

@matttstaffford: 😂😂😂 Rickie Lambert has lost the plot. This is what years of being a target man does to you

@ham1878: I don’t think Rickie Lambert talking positive to a glass of water will be beaten in the weird stakes

@tonymac5: Rickie Lambert trying to out-Le Tissier Matt Le Tissier. Scientifically purifying water by thanking it before you drink it. 😜 I can only think he was heading medicine balls in training during his time as a professional footballer.

@SfcAlex__: Prowsey please dont even think about it, also Fonte come back ur one of the only “normal” ones #SaintsFC

@KnealeJ: Maybe it’s not all bad we haven’t had a quality striker for a little while. Che Adams hasn’t banged in enough to end up this mad in 15 years time #SaintsFC 😂

@LiamRobbo96: He’s gone full David Cotterill

@Horwichbloke19: Matt’s forgotten his meds again.

@DN35GTFC: You can understand why he didn’t play much for England that changing room was crazy enough as it was without your dads Facebook posts becoming sentient.

@Jack_hill765: Maybe they were onto something when they wanted to ban heading…..

@TMLFC19: Rickie Lambert talks to ice

@rubenpartridge1: What are they saying to the water in Southampton is what I want to know

@MrTwoFooted: Matt Le Tissier going full bellend disappoints me. Loved him as a player in the 90s. Still remember THAT Monday night at the Dell against the Toon. Rickie Lambert doing it surprises me, largely because I’d forgotten about him.

@GoonerOfBuxton: I see Rickie Lambert’s on another normal one

@isaclfc: Rickie Lambert and Matt Le Tissier teaming up to create some weird cult was not on my bingo card

@nwi2607: Matt le tissier and rickie lambert… absolutely off their heads

@James_Dack: As much as I love rickie lambert has he fucking lost the plot or what

@leedeetee: Hahahah, you absolute helmet.

@L4RKE: Me when I’ve had a couple of beers at the pub and the mrs says it’s time to go home.

@dannywallace: Shit just got real.

@umbertludd: Sorry to see you have been taken hostage, Matt. Prayers for your quick release

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