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List of five new bizarre rule changes put forward by the Dutch FA divides fans

A list of five new bizarre rule changes put forward by the Dutch FA divides fans after a photo emerged earlier this week.

At the beginning of the year, ideas and tweaks on the laws of the game have been debated about by governing bodies such as FIFA, and IFAB – the International Football Association Board.

We recently saw suggestions of bringing in the ‘blue card’ to sin-bin players for 10 minutes, however this led to widespread backlash on social media.

IFAB are trialling a new rule change will will keep goalkeepers from holding onto the ball and wasting time.

Then at a meeting last Thursday, the KNVB put forward a number of proposed changes with Kieran Maguire posting about it..

1: Kick ins instead of throw ins
2: Sin bins
3: Self pass for free kicks
4: Flying substitutions
5: Net playing time (probably 60 mins in play, games currently about 54) instead of 90 mins gross

Meanwhile, we are seeing the implementation of pink cards at this summer’s Copa America. The new card will be used for health reasons if a player has been on the receiving end of a challenge that has affected their head.

What rule changes would you like to see in English football? Let us know via our socials!

As mentioned, a list of five new bizarre rule changes put forward by the Dutch FA divides fans..

@garyskiphills: Held that meeting in a coffee shop in Amsterdam, did they?

@veryjord: That is disgusting

@WeAreThePaxton: 1, 3 & 5 would improve the game. Would speed the game up, reduce time wasting, and benefit the attacking team after cynical fouls.

@joshuawells: This is some early @mls type stuff here. What are they trying to fix? Is the game not popular in Holland anymore?

@behindtwpod: Bureaucrat’s who are disconnected from football fans, justifying their jobs by coming up with wacky ideas taken from other sports. Leave the game alone. Behave like the Custodians you’re supposed to be. One of FIFA’s founding tenets is to protect the simplicity of the game.

@bigrichpea: The Dutch FA need to self-pass themselves into the sin bin

@srgsrg91: Only one sensible is 5. We tried massive injury time, and it’s still inconsistent. Rest of them are straight out the Wenger school of nonsense.

@untypicalboro: Kick-ins have been tested in loads of league and abandoned as they just encourage knocking repeated long balls into the mixer. Daft.

@padwrondularde: These are just the same adaptions that field hockey made a few years back. Self passing on restarts, rolling subs, sin bins have all been great for the sport. Not sure how well it will work in football but I see why they are suggesting it

1) so every throw in in their third becomes a cross into the box?
2) meh
3) why???
4) don’t mind this as much
5) no

@alanrew2: Just leave football alone you Dutch Dobbers. Why are they always looking to tamper with something and make it more complex than it needs to be. Arseholes

@HerbertRussell: these are the rules that the FA has introduced in the UK for under 7s to under 9s (no heading rules) apart from sin bins (very hard to be sent off/carded at that level)

6. Can pick the ball up and run with it.
7. Can’t take more than 2 steps without bouncing the ball.

@toboboly: Just invent a different game and play that. Stop trying to ruin something that is great (apart from the dull PL)

@Kiwi_Mariner: No.5 is something I’ve been shouting into the wind about for ages. Love it.

@IanBiggins: Of you introduce kick ins AND net time, games will take hours. Imagine how much time teams will take at every kick in in the opposition half bringing centre backs up. It’ll be like dozens of corners every game.

@StretfordHatter: How many of these are being proposed by foreign, especially US-owned clubs?

@ToffeePenguin: Semi-automated offsides. Goal line technology. 30minutes ball in play game time. 3 substitutions per team.

@Harry_griffin92: They made leisure league for a reason

@HereReallyNotIm: Most, if not all of these, have been trialled before and been unsuccessful.

@SSurvivor03: I think Pele suggested kick ins instead of throw ins years ago, was never adopted obviously, one argument was it would take midfield out of the game, that might not be the case now except for the long ball merchants.

@Coops250709: I would like to see a proper trial for number 5. I’m also in favour of No.2 if done correctly.

@mrsnodes: Interesting – net playing time feels like a potential Trojan horse for abandoning 1/2 time for multiple ad breaks and 3 hr games a la NFL tho.

@jameshendicott: I’m OK with most of those but a kick in instead of a throw changes the dynamic of the game disproportionately. Makes it like a free kick or corner.

@norraBhsoJ: KNVB looking at KNHB with envy

@sjames1132: They could always take up basketball instead (apart from their rule change no.1).

@patpucker: Definitely 5, would take the frustration of seemingly unjustified long periods of added time away instantly.

@andrewsneill: I’m not sure how it would be achieved (or indeed what would be gained by it) but i am all for flying substitutions. Players helicoptered into position? Some sort of zip line from the main stand to where the player they’re replacing is? Use drones? All sounds a lot of fun

@MrMcBear: Why do we need to change football…?

@ParchairMikael: Football is by far the most popular sport in the world because of what it has been over the years. Constantly meddling seems like self sabotage. VAR already turning a lot of people off.

1 why? Decrease headers? Not good
2 ok, but hard to define fairly.
3 different distance for defenders for kick and dribble?
4 would change the game tactics a lot, maybe not to positive way
5 would need game clocks, tough for low levels. Just be tough on time waiting during 90mins

@Kop202: 5) keep the 90 min but define objective criteria for time added on (15 sec for throw in, 20 for goal kick, injuries, goals etc). Would make it fairer and doesn’t really change anything for anyone watching

@LukeOfNorfolk: Flying subs not great but having 30 seconds max per sub seems fair. If you take your time getting off, nobody’s waiting for your sub to get in position.

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