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Leeds fans slam BBC after Football Focus blunder

Leeds fans slam BBC after Football Focus blunder which came at the end of Saturday afternoon’s episode which was in tribute to Norman Hunter.

West Yorkshire were left in shock and sadness when they learned the tragic news on Friday that their former player had died at the age of 76 after contracting coronavirus.

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Ex-White players, the fanbase and the Championship club, displayed scarves in front of their houses to honour him.

As mentioned, the BBC also gave their own tribute, and it went down very well, until the end where an image of Peter Lorimer next to Don Revie was shown instead of Hunter.

Leeds fans took to vent their frustration on Twitter with some tagging presenter Dan Walker and the BBC, who later gave an update on the error.

motleedsnews.com informed their fans of an update: Dan Walker has made a heartfelt apology for the blunder and said it was down to the image being mis-labelled by Getty and the show being made in testing times. He also said Hunter ‘would probably clip us round the ear’ for it. He added that the piece is being edited for iPlayer. That’s really good to see and we thank Walker and the BBC both for the tribute (which was brilliant) and for the apology.

Leeds fans slam the BBC after seeing the Football Focus blunder…

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