Gateshead make what some have deemed to be a rude Apprentice-style error on a poster which has been leaving fans laughing this week.
The National League North leaders have been made aware of what social media users are calling a blunder on an official poster advertising that under-16s can go to their next home match for free.
The poster uses a slogan “every voice counts”, which has drawn the attention of many, with the ‘o’ in counts replaced by the club’s crest.
But this leaving fans reading the slogan as “every voice c****”, as you can see for yourself below… but they have changed it since then! – Fan reaction to the latest football news, gossip & funnies
One fan compared the error to one from the previous series of The Apprentice as they added: “Gateshead’s social media team have clearly not been watching the Apprentice.”
Contestant Francesca Kennedy Wallbank did something similar in a recent episode of the BBC show, as she named her team’s video game “Artic Saviour”.
Wallbank had incorrectly spelt ‘arctic’ in the name of the game, with the task ultimately ending in defeat and her being sacked by Lord Sugar.

Another mishap on The Apprentice, also from the last series, saw a product testing with real mums and babies, end with those who came up with the idea being told that their design of the logo appeared to say ‘First Time Dies’ instead of ‘First Time Foodies’.
Contestant Akeem spoke on camera afterwards saying: “Yes, there’s a slight concern that it actually says, ‘dies’.
“It’s something that was completely overlooked by myself and Stephanie. And that’s a concern for when we talk to the buyers.
“It looks like we’re trying to kill children,” said Harpreet the project manager, with fear in her eyes that this runaway train was already too far down the track.
“To be honest, when I look at it,” said the buyer, “What I see is: ‘First Time F**k, Dies’.”

As mentioned, Gateshead make a rude Apprentice-style error on their poster leaving fans laughing…
@JulioJamaica: If you are ever in need of a graphic designer who proof reads their work (and understands grammar), don’t hesitate to give me a shout!
@DJNelsonPhotos: You know I saw this earlier didn’t notice it now I can’t not notice it! 😂😂
@GeorgeICooper: You’re referring to the errant apostrophe in U’16s, right?
@BradleyTooth: @Lord_Sugar
@newbrook82: Really should of put the logo in voice 🤣😂
@hanson1_harry: I read this wrong lol
@thelincsmag: It’s “DIES” on the Apprentice babyfood task all over again @jsimpson191
@edeoliveria: I saw that and completely read it incorrectly the first time around.
@CarsonGaz: 🤣🤣🤣 Or maybe the apprentice was their inspiration
@DAZM6988: 🤣🤣 someones had a mare there!
@craigatkin7: Or have they, it’s got people talking about it 😂
@StefWillo: I had to look hard to see it wasn’t what I thought it was. Brilliant
@UTM_Mariners: Once you see it, it can’t be unseen. 🫣
@PaulLorraine72: Made them look like a bunch of…
@Reevsie247: Yeah, I wouldn’t have designed it like that. 😂
@CheeseroomJohn: Well this is unfortunate 🙈🙈
@NE5MAG: Oh dear me 😳🤣🤣
@EricWincanton: Oh dear. The graphic designer either isn’t great at his job or he’s got a wicked wit.
@scottburn1: Critical error me thinks 🤣🤣🤣
@ACLegalServices: @GatesheadFC Did no-one look at this and think “ this doesn’t look quite right”?
@Tinalouise84: 🤣🤣🤣 thats terrible lol 😆 once you’ve seen you can’t unsee hehehe
@alan_m_bennett: Oh Gateshead Gateshead Gateshead. Deserved league winners but your graphics team need to be relegated
@UnderscoreFreds: Elite marketing
@foreverayeyellow: haha gateshead have had a mare here, suppose it does get people talking, hope it raises their attendance for the run-in and get that promotion
@steveproud: Deffo gets everyone’s attention like 🤣🤣
@JeDav1972: Had to read that about 4 times 😳
@katiepeal: To be fair that apostrophe is annoying…
…oh 😆
@GillissWayne: Think @GatesheadFC media team are having a laugh here
@gatesheadforme: no way did i miss that first time haha
@heedarrrrmy: nah thats jokes lol love how they suddenly changed it once the club’s notifications were filled because of the blunder
@ewanferguson: boy they really have taken inspiration from the apprentice haven’t they?! hahaha
Youre hired 👉🏻 🤣
— Daryl Gray (@_Daryl_01) April 27, 2022

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