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Female Rangers fans caught peeing on ground with cops injured and 20 arrests made in celebrations

Female Rangers fans have been caught peeing on ground with cops getting injured and 20 arrests made in Saturday’s title celebrations.

A photo has gone viral sowing what appears to be three women squatting on the ground and against a wall relieving themselves whilst enjoying Rangers going the league season unbeaten.

Some Twitter users were left shocked and disgusted with what they said, while others couldn’t help but laugh at the ladies not being so elegant.

Whilst they were doing that, in and around central Glasgow, police officers have been injured and 20 people arrested after authorities dispersed a large crowd of celebrating Rangers fans due to “rising disorder”.

Thousands of supporters took to the streets in celebration of Rangers’ first Scottish Premiership trophy in a decade, with many going from Ibrox to George Square despite warnings against large gatherings due to Covid.

After fans celebrated in George Square for most of the day on Saturday – police said some became unruly, with property damaged, people assaulted and missiles and flares being thrown at officers.

Police formed a line and cleared the group from the area just after 9pm, with Police Scotland describing the fans’ behaviour as “disgraceful”.

“Our officers became the focus of the crowd’s attention with missiles and flares being thrown at them,” chief superintendent Mark Sutherland, Police Scotland’s Divisional Commander for Greater Glasgow, said in a statement.

“Our policing response has been proportionate. We have responded appropriately and consistently to the behaviour of those gathered.

“This disgraceful behaviour which clearly endangered public and officer safety could not be tolerated and officers dressed in full public order equipment and, after appropriate warnings were given, moved in to disperse those present.

“Although most of those present dispersed, a number remained and confronted officers with violence and aggression. Missiles were thrown and officers came under direct attack as George Square and the surrounding area was cleared.

“I strongly condemn the behaviour of these supporters who have not only placed our officers at risk but have sought to damage the image and reputation of this great city, especially during this critical period of the pandemic.”

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf called the gatherings in Glasgow “selfish and irresponsible behaviour” which put lives at risk.

He added on Twitter: “My full support to Police Officers who put in an incredible shift yday in v difficult circumstances. Absolutely disgraceful that they were subjected to the kind of thuggery we saw last night. Incidents of violence, disorder, anti-Catholic & any other hatred will be followed up.”

Police Scotland Deputy Chief Constable Will Kerr said on Twitter that “many more arrests will follow in the coming weeks”.

Police Scotland had called on them to “disperse and take personal responsibility”.

After the trophy was lifted, many fans made their way into the heart of Glasgow.

The Union Bears fan group had earlier announced plans to walk from the stadium to George Square.

On Friday night, a number of Rangers fans set off red flares simultaneously along the River Clyde in the city as they marked the end of the season.

In an earlier statement on Saturday, Sutherland said: “We understand the importance of football in Glasgow, how it connects our communities and, is for many, a culture and a way of life.

“We are, however, still in the midst of a pandemic and under coronavirus restrictions people should not be gathering for any reason.”

He said a request for a fan procession to the city centre had been rejected, but police later decided to take large groups of supporters as they made their way to George Square in order to minimise disruption.

While some arrests were made in the afternoon for anti-social behaviour, chief supt Sutherland said due to the largely peaceful nature of the crowd at that time “it would not be proportionate for our resources to use a high level of force through public order policing to disperse those gathering”.

More photos and video from the scenes at George Square including one fan climbing a police van, can be seen by clicking HERE.

Fans reacted after seeing female Rangers fans caught peeing on ground with cops injured and 20 arrests made in the celebrations…

Murdo Macleod, Yorkhill , said: “As a 77-year-old lifelong Rangers fan, I was disgusted by the disgraceful scenes in Glasgow on Saturday. We are in the middle of a pandemic and these ugly scenes could see us back in lockdown again. They are not proper Rangers fans and are letting our club down.”

Lewis Doyle, Tipperary, said: “Rangers fans showed their lack of class in George Square putting their selfishness before the rest of Scotland. However it was good of those interviewed recognising it’s a one off. Who knows they might win a cup next season as it’s been that long and they can party again in the square. Let’s hope the virus numbers do not rise.”

@shedheds: Wet Ankles Through Pissing. We Are Tinky People. Wifey Anus Totally Public

@ydna439: Atomic Kitten’s downfall is worse than I thought #shebearspissininthestreet

@shedheds: Wobbly Arse Terrible Pish

@DavidBe95245542: That wall better get along to the GUM clinic first thing Monday morning.

@dufcforever: Never buy a ground floor flat in Glasgow. 🙄

@b45her71: Keep it classy 🤣

@TheDA83414899: We Are The Pissers

@cwelsh254: WTF!!! 🤮🤮🤮

@MarkSte17: You can buy trophies, titles, players…you can’t buy class 🥴

@sidlaws75: Wall As Toilet Paper #WATP

@splbanter: whip-out arse take pish

@merky999_mark: Parents will be proud 👍

@Micher76: As a Rangers supporters I am totally horrified as to what happened yesterday. People need to remember though that this is a minority of people who were there causing trouble. How can they call themselves fans if they want to embarrass their club like that.

@Friseal: Enough is enough. The people of Glasgow are sick and tired of this nonsense. Businesses in the city centre had to close out of fear for the safety of their staff, people unable to visit our city. The entire city centre was like a war zone. #ScotlandsShame

@arnieloudon: Typical. Embarrassing bunch even in victory.

@Michell24062995: Cleaning up bill should be sent to the club that would then show them that their actions have consequences that is atrocious behaviour and a mess left behind them they are just a disgrace trouble makers that would do this no matter what not fans that would disgrace their club

@TruthfulScot: The Union Bears need to be held responsible for their part in promoting this disgraceful gathering. Police Scotland also need to ask themselves why lessons were not learned after the previous incident? The softly, softly approach with Rangers fans is more and more obvious to all!

@glasheartglow1: We absolutely have had enough, I was hanging out my washing in the garden and had to listen to a neighbour sing ‘F*** the Pope’ whilst my other neighbour came home from their son’s holy communion. We shouldn’t have to live like this. They have no respect for anyone

@kenco_al: Scotland has had enough fella. Both sides of the City drag this around Scotland most weekends albeit on a lesser scale than today. Sadness and despair overtakes anger now.

@frankbell1981: Some folk in Glasgow and across Scotland may have had enough. But when the police allow it, and the politicians don’t do anything about it, will anything ever change?

@susanfotheringh: The two sides of the people of Glasgow displayed in the same week. Kenmore street and George square.

@Saintkev76: In a week’s time I cannot attend my team’s second ever Scottish Cup Final as one of a crowd of 600 to travel into Glasgow, yet yesterday there were 100s leaving most towns and cities of Scotland by bus and by train to join this, yet they were allowed in

@Navyblue4: It was inevitable. There fans have yet again laid waste to the city centre and George square. It’s always the same club causing the issues. Time to ban them and get them to foot the bill for the clean up and damage.

@DavidCrichton15: It’s Rangers fans. It’s what they do. Never miss an opportunity to shame themselves, their city, their country and football.

@Jackie62508757: This was allowed to happen in the streets of Glasgow, NS and Police Scotland knew this was the outcome of RFC fans winning the league. And we Also know it wouldn’t have bn tolerated if it was any other club. And they do it cos they know there will be no consequences

@wallsy67: You can start by giving them the bill for police, clean up and the NHS. Then a hefty fine for taking no steps to prevent this and in fact encouraging it. Call it out for what it is

@erskine0812: This has to stop. The club have to be made accountable for the actions of their fans. But it has to stop. This was like something we witness in Northern Ireland. We do not want it here. Even if these people do. The majority of us do not. Can we all do something to stop it?

@seumasabheinn: The Police and the Scottish govt have failed the people of Scotland on this occasion, heads must role and the Ibrox club banned from bringing this to any other European city.

@TheEndlessDeat1: Seriously fucking tired of this. And that there are people defending it because of what happened in Kenmore Street is downright despicable

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