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Ex-Crystal Palace player who became porn star admits the job isn’t as fun as he expected

An ex-Crystal Palace player who became a porn star admits the job isn’t as fun as he expected, talking about the role on a podcast.

The former footballer who now works in the porn industry talked about his first shoot before then admitting the job isn’t as fun as people think.

Damian Oliver, his porn star name, spent time in prison before moving having a career in porn, and spoke about his six-hour-long first shoot that only saw him receive £150.

Speaking on the Anything Goes with James English podcast, Oliver admitted that his first shoot four years ago was a “horrible” experience.

He said: “That was terrifying, being on my first set, the camera guy there was a big bald Irishman, he was quite scary – I’ve got to get my d**k out in front of him and start f***ing.”

The pressure of the situation caused Oliver to go soft but said his co-star was nice enough to give him a helping hand.

He went on: “It was like laminate flooring, and I was butt-naked and sweating, and I was slipping in my own sweat. 

“We had to keep cutting, I had her bent over the sofa but I kept slipping all across the floor, they had to keep wiping the floor down, I was just a dripping mess.”

At the time, Oliver – who is dating another porn star in Sophie Anderson – thought porn would be a good idea to earn a bit of cash on the side while he worked as a painter and decorator but after meeting his partner, decided to take it up on a full time basis. 

Speaking about how the reality wasn’t quite the same as what he imagined, he explained: “People used to say to me, ‘you’re doing it all anyway’, because they knew I used to sleep with girls, I was a player, and they said, ‘you might as well get paid for it’,” he recalled.

“But it wasn’t until I had the confidence to actually do it, [that I realised] it was a whole different ball game.”

He went on: “When I was at Crystal Palace, if I’d have stayed with them, then I could have been earning a lot more playing football. I used to fight as well, maybe that could have gone somewhere.

“I was good at both of those things, but being a porn star, I thought that would be just as good.

“But it’s not as good as people think.”

Ex-Footballer Who Became Porn Star Admits The Job Is Not As Fun As He Expected

SEE MORE: Former Prem and EFL player reveals plans to become a porn-star

As the ex-Crystal Palace player who became a porn star admits the job isn’t as fun as he expected, his partner Sophie has opened up about her children’s reaction to her adult career, admitting that her teenage son doesn’t approve of her explicit affairs.

Not only did one of her breast implants exploded, causing her to develop sepsis while she recovered in hospital but she asked fans to contribute towards a £40,000 fund to pay for surgery.

“I don’t really speak to my family anymore because it is difficult being in the industry,” she told The Fellas podcast.

“People, they do want to take off you as well, you have to be very careful with your money.”

“And my son, I told him when he was 10 because he started hearing some things. I was like, ‘no, son, this is what I do, this is how I bring the money in,” she recalled.

“He’s nearly 16 now, and he isn’t happy about it.

“Certain things he’s said that he wasn’t happy about. But at the end of the day, as a mum I’ll do anything to provide for my kids.”

“I’ve got two beautiful daughters as well, they’ve come into my life over the past year, and they are absolutely amazing.

“I’m very much a mumma, and I’m like, ‘you’re mine’. I’ll die for them, and all my kids are exactly the same.”


Aaron Dunnill: I’m sure he said the same thing to his barber.

Philippa Carter: Same sort of career, just playing with different size balls 🤣 what’s his problem? 😂

Chantelle Atkinson: He literally shits on his bird for her pleasure.

Mark Hampton: Reckons him and his missus are gonna do mainstream acting 😂

Andrew Knight: If it gets rough does he grab his shin and start rolling around on the floor screaming?

Lee Edmondson: My heart bleeds for him, i would need a bucket of viagra to perform with the creature with his/her arm around him.

Jordan Bamber: Neither was his football career by the sounds of it 😅

Dan Stephens: £25 an hour whats he moaning about 🤣

Sam J. Fields: ‘His first shoot’ 😂

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