A football club has been left devastated as their stadium is left flooded yet again due to the heavy downpour from Storm Christoph.
Northern Premier League Division One West outfit Tadcaster Albion have been left underwater for a third time in two seasons, as they took to social media to show how bad it got this week.
They previously suffered the same fate in February of last year and then for a second time back in November, causing concerns to rise.
We just wish there was a way we could make it stop. 😪 https://t.co/9Dtj4fgGmC
— Tadcaster Albion (@TadcasterAlbion) January 20, 2021
The River Wharfe, which is situated next to the Global Stadium, burst its banks, with the water spilling through the stands onto the pitch.
Tadcaster’s chairman, Andy Charlesworth, spoke with York Press, stating that they were expecting the ground to be flooded when they heard about the storm.
He said: “We have moved everything, the flood doors are on the clubhouse. We’re prepared for flooding.”
The Environment Agency said a few days ago: “The River Wharfe has risen in response to recent rainfall. Levels in Ilkley and Otley have peaked, however levels will continue to rise in Wetherby and Tadcaster until Wednesday afternoon or evening. Persistent and heavy rain is forecast to continue through until Thursday, and river levels could remain high through the week.”

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On Wednesday, Adrian Thompson, a member of the club’s board, said it was a disaster and it looks like there is more to come with the river rising higher.
“There are plans in for flood defences, if we can get the water to pass by rather than through then we can look at building a new club house”
Times are already tough for non league sides at this level, and chairman Andy Charlesworth has previously mentioned “We have invested thousands of pounds in the club following previous floods. We just can’t keep doing this every year.”
Tadcaster aren’t able to get flood insurance according to reports and on more than one occasion this has threatened the club’s future.
Most times this happens, a donation page is set up to help them get through the disaster, with many a loyal fan raising huge amounts of money, not just to sort the ground out but to also get them that flood defence work so the ground doesn’t have to suffer future floodings, giving the site long term security.
As of Friday the 22nd of January, the storm has passed and it would seem that the water at the ground is going down.
Pictures of flooding around the Global Stadium today.
At least the water seems to be going down. 🙏#ATAW pic.twitter.com/zmgnUYXsCr
— Tadcaster Albion (@TadcasterAlbion) January 22, 2021
It was in February 2020 that another named storm in Ciara came in and caused much more concerning damage in and around the ground.
Tadcaster made the emotional announcement that they expected to say goodbye to their club that has been in existence for over 125 years.
Their club statement back then read: “Storm Ciara has devastated the club, leaving the pitch under 1.6 metres of dirty river water. The same water has penetrated the Clubhouse damaging the floor and carpets. The strong winds have damaged the roof, allowing rainwater to leak in ruining the ceiling in several areas. Externally everything is covered in dirty river sludge.
“The rear fence behind the main stand has been knocked over by the strength of the flood water. The pitch is still partly underwater, and we have been unable to assess the damage at this time. Ground maintenance equipment has been damaged. The new visiting officials’ facility that was nearing completion has been wrecked. We have yet to find out if the floodlights still work.
“This is truly devastating and comes just after a group of volunteers have spent time painting and cleaning areas of the stadium preparing for the ground grading at the end of February.
“The club has been dealt with a number of weather-related incidents in the past, through its team of volunteers, the local community and support from the wider football community. However, at a Directors’ Emergency Meeting on Wednesday 12 February, the conclusion reached was that this could be the end.
“The Club has used its cash reserves to repair the facility after previous floods and is not able to do so again. The Club has estimated that to fix the damage it needs up to £42,000. It does not have any contingency funds left.
“The Club is reviewing the situation and will take whatever action it can, including working with the Football Foundation & West Riding County FA, but it is not looking good.
“This is devastating news for Tadcaster as a town and everyone involved with the club.”

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Chairman Andy Charlesworth said: “We have invested thousands of pounds in the club following previous floods. We just can’t keep doing this every year. We can’t get flood insurance and we are now facing the potential of closure of the club. For the Club to continue help in the form of donations or materials/services in kind will be needed. On behalf of the club I would like to thank everyone who has shown their support to our current plight.”
Since then they recovered, got back on their feet, mostly thanks to the outpour of support and donations they got.
Some ask why don’t they just move grounds, well Tadcaster have said to that: “We’ve tried to move before and it wasn’t possible, we have to try and make the clubhouse we have flood proof which we have been attempting to raise funds for.”

www.fanbanter.co.uk – Fan reaction to the latest football news, gossip & funnies
Twitter users reacted as the club was left devastated as the stadium is left flooded yet again, see what the non league community said after seeing the latest media…
@callumLtfc: I’ll happily donate to you guys if a just funding page is setup 🧡
@White_Rose_Al: Gutting to see this, the community will help after the water withdraws
@YorkFootGolf: Really sad to see guys, hope there’s some respite soon from this shitty year!
@ozzyhands52: This might sound cheap but how you handle yourselves as a club is outstanding. You WILL get over this and come through it stronger
@MannyLS26: Can I make a (small) donation?
@365DaysofWhine: Pitch still in better nick than #LUFC
@ScottCrabby: Talk about taking a kick when you are down. All the best lads
@GarethQuinn80: You really don’t have any luck when it comes to floods. You’ve bounced back before and you’ll bounce back again.
@elland_toad: Whoever allowed that site to be built on in the first place has a lot to answer for, it’s an impossible ask for you to have to battle against this every year
@PJ82PJ: Not been at work since March due to pandemic but I work in Tad and this is awful to see. Hope the damage isn’t too bad guys! If it’s allowed plenty of people will volunteer to help I’m sure
@crazybrit462: All the best, this is awful
@alisonelsayed: not again! ATAW
@robyncollinsonx: Omg so heartbreaking
@bethgabriel_: Gutted for you guys
@TerryYAFCSmith: Pardon the bad language but fucking hell you get things up and running after last flood at the ground then covid postpones everything and then a flood again, talk about being kicked whilst your down… But I’m sure as always you will bounce back stronger all the best taddy
@El_Loco_Jo: Gutted for you again. Surely it’s gotta be cheaper to set up somewhere else rather than what it’s costing you every time this happens?

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