Club chairman Jim Parmenter, of Dover Athletic, hits out at the National League board members and resigns with immediate effect.
He has written a letter to National League chairman, Brian Barwick, claiming that he can no longer support the actions of the board and that he can’t ‘be seen to be party to actions which I absolutely disagree with’.
He added that he has resigned so that he can speak out publicly, and his resignation comes as all 66 National League clubs vote whether to stopped or continue with their season.
Funding for the rest of the campaign will be provided in loans rather than grants, which Parmenter claims is breaking the rules. – Fan reaction to the latest football news, gossip & funnies
In a letter sent to National League Chairman, Brian Barwick and members of the board, Mr Parmenter said: “I can no longer support the direction of travel that the board is taking and I’m afraid I can no longer be seen to be a party to actions which I absolutely disagree with.
“I accept that the board is a collective and whilst as a member, it is a prerequisite that, in public, the board and its Chairman are supported. I have therefore chosen to resign, in order to say what I really believe publicly.
“The lack of grant funding should have been properly addressed in late December or at least very early January. As it stands it is likely to be two months with no funds for clubs before any sort of resolution is forthcoming.
“I am in particular disagreement that the executive appears to be encouraging clubs to take large loans to complete the season, as I have said twice at board meetings I believe that the competition rules are being broken by allowing the proposed loans, let alone encouraging them. (Page 155 Appendices 08 of the rule book).
“The league has for ten years insisted that clubs manage their financial affairs prudently and has had great success and received much praise for the results, now that is all to be thrown to the dogs and for what?
“I understand why the bigger, richer clubs with chances of promotion are pushing hard to continue, but in a sense they are asking smaller clubs with no crowds or income who are playing for no reason to take large loans and probably overstretch themselves with dire consequences, to subsidise the larger clubs ambitions. I do not agree with that position.
“The board has very little credibility as an organisation within our clubs and I believe the decision to send letters to clubs who find it difficult to play, threatening sanctions was ill-conceived and will do nothing to unite the competition in what continues to be a very divisive time. Even if the vote is to continue I do not believe that the league will be able to continue in any credible form or with integrity for another five months.
“There are some very good people on the board and I do not seek to criticise individuals, but as a body, I do not believe we have shown strong, relevant leadership. Our governance has descended into chaos and some decisions made by the board seem to change when interpreted by the executive.”
Fans reacted after seeing that the club chairman hits out at the National League board and resigns…
@LeeCPDAFC: Good on you Jim! It’s sounding evident that the majority of Step 1 clubs may vote to continue the season but at what cost and at what detriment to other smaller clubs in the division like ourselves with far smaller budgets? Not good.
@andy_lucey: Good stuff Jim. Standing your ground and speaking up. Hopefully more will follow your lead
@GlenSTFC: Now that’s integrity, go on you Jim. Let’s hope a few more see sense and can flush out the crap.
@calneeagle: Well done, Jim. Spot on in everything you say.
@will10Inman: … quickly check the league table, then immediately understands why!
@NickDavison1: Culpable for being part of the board that agreed the distribution policy for the grants in October. Hypocrite.
@TomHarrison92: Let’s hope this means we are going to continue the season and anti football people in the National League board are fucking off
@NickDuGard1: Many will possibly not be surprised at this resignation. For whatever reasons there was bound to be some further fall out from this mess. However, whatever it’s faults, and there have been many, the integrity of the NL is paramount for member clubs but reform is needed
@JohnJon68569173: Odd timing in the middle of a vote on the way forward. Does this indicate that the vote isn’t going how he would like it to?
@balmoral47: The very fact no minutes were produced from their ‘grant or loan’ meeting with the authorities – the most important meeting in recent memory – says it all about the organisation. The Competition Secretary & Chair at least should have resigned for that
@alexwest88: Sure Dover were voting for the season to be null and void? This resignation probably points to the season carrying on then
@magpie_gunner: Thankfully if the case, only right it carries on
@carteralex81: They should all resign in my opinion. Their incompetence has led to them letting clubs decide their own fate so what is the point in having a board.
@Zakwtufc: Couldn’t be more right not fit for purpose, the messed the grants up in the first place with how they allocated the money now they are putting it on the clubs it’s an absolutely calamity
@terrykeating: Hmmm… Strange words, weren’t Dover one of the clubs that fingers were being pointed at for benefitting big time from the lottery money handout, due to this guy being on the board ?
@PaulBayliss9: Well done that man for taking a stand, when he doesn’t believe in @TheVanaramaNL and what they are doing.
@paulreid125: Stayed long enough to ensure his club secured their more than fair share funding. Class.
@SteveyAsp: Respect to him! If you continue to stay in a position where you don’t agree with what’s happening then you are part of the problem and when the shit hits the fan then you have to take your share of the responsibility, I’d have thought a certain person may have learnt that before
@Dazzla84_SSFC: This can only mean one thing, the NL are hell bent on finishing the season because they are scared of losing promotion places into the EFL

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