After learning that Truro City’s Paul Wilkinson has been appointed at Bury, fans took to give their reaction…
— Ryan Hampson (@Rhampson2018) July 2, 2019
@BEEJJJY his record in that awful league hshshs
— matty (@mattyb16_BFC) July 2, 2019
— Neil Davis (@neiltheshaker) July 2, 2019
At any point are you at least going to challenge Dale for an interview and ask some proper questions instead of pussy footing around him?
— Shaker_Delaney (@deemoney09) July 2, 2019
— Kieran L ?? (@kieran_shaker) July 2, 2019
Watch Paul Wilkinson be like a #buryfc manager god now, on a shoe string budget with no staff manages to keep us up and then next season get us into the playoffs ?? I'm optimistic
— Adam Woodward (@adamwoodward07) July 2, 2019
@LukeThoday: Oh my, I actually feel so so sorry for #BuryFC fans this is worse then losing all the players ?
@MarkLeversedge: What is the current record for shortlist managerial reign?
@adamwoodward07: Hopefully he’s a decent 5 a side manager
@richardholden21: Poor fella, literally has no chance of any success at all, fighting a losing battle the second he steps into the job
@___Q__: This is what the problems at Bury have reduced people to. The man genuinely looks like he wants to fucking die. Great signing for them, mind. He’ll rip that league to pieces. The crown jewels are all gone and we just appointed the Truro manager. Long season ahead!
@buryshaker1968: He won’t even take a training session. That tosser Dale’s only got him. In to satisfy the terms of the CVA. Our clubs dieing and the media are getting blagged by a liar

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