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Accrington chairman receives support from fans after sending damning letter to the EFL

Accrington Stanley chairman Andy Holt receives support from fans after sending a rather damning letter to the EFL ahead of the 2022/23 season.

Holt is often vocal when it comes to airing his views via his social media account, often it can be controversial, but on the occasion, he won praise for calling out the league organisation.

He hit out at the English Football League’s streaming service ‘iFollow’, which has seen a number of issues since it’s introduction, from not working, to blanking out and having sound problems mid-game.

After looking at what Andy Holt had to say in condemnation towards the EFL, some rather interesting revelations have been revealed, only angering people more.


Accrington Stanley chairman Andy Holt has sent the following letter to the EFL:

I write to you to inform you that ASFC wants no part of your iFollow operation and as such insists the EFL ceases offering streams of our club with immediate effect.

To be clear we want no part in it. We do not want any income from it nor do we want others selling our LP.

For many years now I have argued that the income distribution is wrong, but the EFL wanders on ignoring the obvious.

The EFL taking our IP and allowing others to sell it for their private profit ends now.

When the EFL started this deliberately flawed concept, Accrington Stanley were amongst the clubs that refused to join, which was our right. Later the EFL board threatened my club with loss of income if we didn’t join its project. It was coercion at a time when the club was just recovering from near bankruptcy. The board knew our clubs position then on iFollow and that position has hardened as the EFL pushes on blindly with its daft streaming plans.

Two days before the EFL summer conference, whilst I was in Majorca, we were informed by Email that there was to be no votes in regard to iFollow at the meeting. I objected to this because this gave me no time to prepare my argument nor was I able to attend to put my argument.

This is the usual EFL M.O. and it’s embarassing. It’s bounced on clubs at the last minute deliberately to avoid proper debate.

I contacted Steve Curwood, our L1 rep who responded that there would be no binding vote.

The day after he came back to me telling me he was wrong. It’s a shambles of organisation.

I want to place on record that I support streaming as a collective.

If the proceeds were split equally as the collective TV deal is or, as with physical matchday tickets, the home club got the income, my club would happily participate.

Currently the EFL is taking away matchday income and taking away our streams against our wishes and allowing others to seel them on for their private gain. I do not know how anyone at the EFL can argue this is right or just.

Last week the EFL informed us that our home Boxing Day fixture against Barnsley is amongst ADDITIONAL fixtures to be streamed against our will.

This is not collective in any sense.

As the saying goes thanks for the offer, but sadly we’re out.

As mentioned, the Accrington chairman receives support from fans after sending the damning letter to the EFL…

@dave4jaz: Fully agree with your stance, hopefully more clubs will follow your lead. I hope you will publish the response to your letter.

@msthompson001: Good on ya Sir. Let’s hope others follow suit. It’s in their (medium to long term) interests to get hold of their own destiny. Your club, your content. 👍

@doug_jeff: Hope @EFL listen but sadly doubt it. Agree with your stance and the shameful way they continue to spring big proposals on clubs with little to no engagement of clubs and fans.

@woodylad83: Its a flawed streaming model. You would be better of looking at other clubs in the EFL who make money directly from there own stream service. Sunderland is a good example they have there own subscription service alongside ifollow and gives fans abroad a better experience

@jordandavies09: Phenomenal 👏

@mikeepritch: They’re not fit for purpose Andy. The supporters of Derby County are fully aware of that as well.

@eff_tee_emm: Good luck with this, Andy. Needs to be fair to all clubs

@jazzmarkj: Spot on Andy, completely unfair to the ‘smaller clubs’ (no disrespect)

@DonkeyDelph: Full marks for standing up to the EFL who only propose things that benefit the bigger clubs.

@MShacks: Well said.

@GasmanCOTN: Well played Andy. The key point, that many agree with, is that the home club should retain the vast majority of streaming income for League matches. The current policy is set by the EFL & is irrespective of what platform is used. Ditching iFollow not necessarily the answer.

@UpperGwladysBlu: Good for you Andy. 👏

@arealfootyfan: Well done and completely agree with your stance

@R_JLewis11: Oh dear, this is how their agenda against Derby started, Mel had the exact same arguements and was sided with by Leeds & Villa, they got promoted so EFL targetted Derby. Good luck! Hope they dont do the same with you now.

@kategiffard: It is a shambles of an organisation 👏🏻

@jimcurtisbbn: I find this very sad. Streaming is the future and we need to be able to use it to build/maintain support. That @EFL are failing to run a sustainable model which provides for its members is terrible

@cmjdullaway: The EFL acting in this way is atrocious. Taking money away from clubs and dictating broadcasting as they want it without consultation. Argyle switched to its own private service which gives the club the freedoms of choice. I suggest @ASFCofficial do the same 💚❤️

@JasonPezza71: @EFL 👏🏻 absolutely @AndyhHolt #EFLNOTFIT4PURPOSE #BSHLOUT

@samsandars: Good on you! ifollow is shit too! We’re lucky to have RamsTv, happy to pay for high quality coverage

@ArjermynAlan: Well done Andy for yet again showing the EFL for what they are; Incompetent on every level.

@KSGTipton: Hard old angry bastard!!! Love it! We need to stick together 👍🏼

@baldy984: My chairman. Just need more to follow suit.

@DaveAshton4: Interesting read. Wonder where all the £10 PPV have been going over the last couple of years then. 🤔📺

@jewishjonjonjon: Nice one Andy. EFL needs reviewing. #notfitforpurpose

@djbowers14: Was always outlined that this isn’t suitable for clubs like @ASFCofficial. These decisions are forced upon clubs who will lose more money with the current setup and only benefit teams with larger followings. It should never have been agreed plus better systems out there

@ZinedineF: As ever, interesting points from the Accrington chairman. The idea that the home club should get the cash from ‘away’ iFollowers seems reasonable. OTOH, I like knowing I’m benefiting United directly when I watch games from ‘abroad’, and assume ASFC fans think likewise.

@aaron_challoner: Fair play @AndyhHolt well done for standing up to the Football League. Something I want Doncaster Rovers to do in the future is its own streaming service rather than using IFollow, like what Plymouth Argyle do amongst others.

@southoxox: Great to see. Wish we’d take a similar stance. Football isn’t a TV sport.

@GRTourist: iFollow is shite tbf. And the EFL loves nothing more than ripping off its smaller clubs in the hope the big clubs will remember them when they go to the Prem. Andy Holt is right, clubs should chin it off.

@TimWalkerOUFC: I think Andy speaks for a lot of people. As a paying fan there are additional paragraphs I could add to this. The club produces great content, but it’s like serving champagne in a mug with a broken handle

@stringer_oafc: iFollow really is a terrible product – both for the clubs and for the fans. Streaming doesn’t have to be as difficult or as poor quality and iFollow make it.

SEE MORE: ITV name new presenters for EFL coverage plus details on highlights show

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